The Thirty Day SHTF Test Diet: Day 12

Today was Day 12 for my test of Mountain House food packets as emergency food, The Thirty Day SHTF Test Diet. Lots of preppers recommend storing food for a disaster; this series tests it out. As detailed earlier, this diet has turned into a weight-loss diet too.

After yesterday's hiatus day, I'm back on the Hunger Trail. In order to increase the challenge of getting back on the diet, I ate without restraint yesterday. So far, resuming the diet has not been difficult - but that might change tomorrow. In my experience as a dieter, it's the second day that requires grit.

Today's Meals

Continuing the habit of alternating between the two kinds of breakfast packets, I went with the Granola with Blueberries:

It's the only variety that's reconstituted with cold water. After adding the 1/2 cup, the granola became damp and the blueberries expanded to pretty-much normal:

There was a bit of excess fluid, which only had a hint of blueberry taste.

Dinner was the old standard, macaroni and cheese:

As with all the dinners, two cups of boiling water plus some stirring and eight minutes' wait reconstituted it:

This time 'round, the noodles were a bit on the crunchy side. The sauce was once again thick, and its taste was salty. Unsurprisingly, a full pack of mac and cheese supplies 86% of the recommended daily allowance of sodium. You can see so from its Nutrition Facts box, the one on the left:

The granola with blueberries only supplies 5%. Funny enough, even with the salty cheese I got slightly less than the daily allowance of sodium.

Effects, So Far:

As I said above, I did go at the food yesterday. Undoubtedly, there was a carry-over into today. Health- and condition-wise, I was normal. The only oddity is me becoming even more of a night owl.

As for weight, I unsurprisingly gained a few pounds:

Some of this was rebound and I'm sure it'll be temporary.

Conclusion For Day 12

Changing direction back to the diet trail didn't cause any difficulties so far. My weight did spring back somewhat, which isn't that unexpected given that my food consumption had "rebounded." No health issues or dizziness, and no real discomfort. I suspect this is because yesterday's feasting carried over into today.

Tomorrow, I'll find out how lucky a number is 13.

Thanks for reading.

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