The Thirty Day SHTF Test Diet: Day 7

Today was Day 7 for my test of Mountain House food packets as emergency food, The Thirty Day SHTF Test Diet. Lots of preppers recommend storing food for a disaster; this series tests it out. As detailed earlier, this diet has turned into a weight-loss diet too.

I rebounded fully today, The pep is back, no exhaustion during the day, and no sign of any symptom or debility. The only still-extant trouble is insomnia, which itself may be temporary. Now that I've run this for a week, I'm revisiting the same kind of food in the packets that I've blogged about earlier in the series.

Today's Meals

Same as yesterday, a packet of scrambled eggs with ham and green pepper.

But unlike yesterday, I didn't forget the "money shot" of the prepared packet:

This variety always has a bit of excess water; the instructions tell you to drain it. Yesterday's and today's has several spoonfuls of excess fluid, unlike the earliest which only had two or three.

A minor variation; this packet tasted like all the others. Good enough to get the day rolling with.

For dinner, I returned to the infamous mac and cheese:

Two cups of boiling water, two sessions of stirring, ten minutes of sitting and waiting, and

unveiled is the old standard. :)

Light on the cheese, heavy on the salt. Though I've been told that food packets like these have lots of salt added, the only variety where this is noticeable is the mac and cheese. The noodles were neither crunchy nor squishy, which was a blessing.

Effects, So Far:

As mentioned above, I've rebounded to the vim I experienced when I started off this test. The only recurring problem is insomnia, which could be due to me drinking my last coffee too late in the day. The frustration's also gone, which is a good sign. So far, any side effects have been temporary.

As for my weight,

the scale shows that I'm still on that rolling plateau.

Conclusion For Day 7

My vim increased back to what might be a new normal, and the frustration I went through night before last disappeared. I do seem to have bounced back. Weight plateaus are notorious sources of angst for dieters, but not a bother for me. Perhaps that's because I'm not psychologically dependent upon what the scale says each night. If you're a dieter looking for tips, this last point is worth mulling over.

Oh yes: Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I'll try not to make a big deal about it also being Ash Wednesday. :)

Bounced back to what may be a new normal. Thanks for reading.

And feel free to comment below!

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