BENSON'S FOLLY: episode 3

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Johnson always pitied his father because of his condition. He understood even at his age, the trials his father was passing through in making ends meet for the family.

Being an energetic and hardworking type, he was not pleased with his mother's attitude. He concluded within himself that his mother was lazy but, he dared not say it to her face.

However, in his attempt to support his father, he chose to engage in hawking. He shared his feelings with his father and it was rejected. James loved his children darely and wanted the best for them, he knew that Johnson was a minor and did not want to labor him unnecessarily. That was his sole reason for rejecting his plan.

Johnson was not happy with his father's rejection of his idea. It was written all over his face. Immediately, James noticed that Johnson was not happy with his stand; he further explained to make him understand his reasons.

"my boy, I am really proud of you. U know you are hardworking. Just keep it up and you'll gain it in the future. As regards your request to start hawking, that will be too early for now and I want you to understand that you are still a minor. Allowing you to hawk sachet water will simply be Child Abuse this, many people fail to understand. Please wait a little longer when you will have grown up, then you can engage in hawking to support the house."

Yet Johnson was not convinced with his father's explanations. "father, I know that you love me and that's why you are thinking that way; as a matter of fact that is the truth. However, I want to be of help to you because I realize that you need some support considering the fact that my mother is not working. Dad if you can allow me, I promise to be of good behavior and that I will take good care of myself. After all, there are many younger ones who do that."

After a very long argument, James reluctantly agreed with Johnson. However, he strongly advised him to continue to be of good behavior and that he should not join any bad gang. He understood that children could easily be mislead on streets by bad people. He wanted a good future for his children and was ready to protect them.

Later, Johnson requested that his father should support him with some money to start the sales of sachet water. Then, James had no money on him but promised him that by month end after receiving his salary, he would give him fifty naira to start. Johnson was pleased with the arrangement and was eagerly waiting for the day to come.

Meanwhile, Benson was aware of Johnson's discussion with his father. He kept wondering why Johnson was troubling himself even after his father refused to grant his request.

One day, while they were discussing, Benson advised Johnson to drop his idea so that they could always have nice times together after school hours.

"no, I can't do that. We are not comfortable at home. Making ends meet is a big challenge for my father. He really needs support and I am ready to sacrifice to alleviate our suffering," Johnson said.

"well that is you; I don't think that I can do such. After all, as my parents, it is their responsibility to take care of me," Benson said.

Thanks for reading....

Here are the links to the previous episodes 👇

Episode 2

Episode 1

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