Motivation Moment #16 - "To Serve or Be Served"


When I get back from my work travels in Asia, to my family living in Melbourne... my wife really takes care of me and often she pampers and serves me by cooking my favourite dishes, washes my clothes and even allows me to sleep in.

But what she and the children doesn't know, is that everytime I am back in Melbourne, I'm planning treats for each of them.

This trip...

  • I bought a few presents for each of them (presents does not have to be big)
  • Created moments where we could "connect" ~ like our Family Prayer time
  • Took everyone to see "Black Panther" the movie
  • Fetched my girl around so that we can have mini-moments just chatting
  • Supported my eldest son in his soccer match and at his training
  • Bought my youngest son a 'little scooter' and an acoustic guitar
  • Special morning outings with the wife over brekky or shopping
  • And surprise Dinner & Gold Class tickets to watch "Game Night" (every couple should watch it!!!) with my wifey


I realize that time is of essence, as I'm not often around "enough" for my family traveling up and down from Asia on my Coaching & Leadership gigs. And so every little moment counts.

Truthfully, I'm so far from perfect on this idea of Serving... but I ain't giving up trying.

Why is the Act of Serving Others so important...
Here are 4 Reasons!

1. Shifts "ME" to "WE"
We begin to look at people/situations with a-conscious-eye for what we can offer them - our time, our presence, our attention.

*2. Gives People a Sense of PURPOSE
When you and I choose to volunteer, we are suddenly made aware of something bigger. We may even begin to explore what are the many Needs Out There and align that with our Purpose to be a part of the Change we'd like to see in Our World.

3. Role Model Gratitude
We play our part by continuing altruistic acts -- with our gifts/talents and a heart of joy. There is the hope that this causes a pay-it-forward chain reaction. People are likely to be more generous after observing another do the same.

"We can do no great things – only small things with great love," ~ Mother Teresa

4. It's Good for the Soul!
Studies have shown that serving others is benefitial the mind and body, it can reduce symptoms of stress, depression and even become a good distraction from our own worries. Some other studies have shown that it may even extend our life!!

The Bible also teaches that "The greatest among you will be your servant"... As a Christian, I realize that God in His Glory and Position did not come down to earth to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for all of us.

I LOVE this Thai Advertisement - "Happiness is Helping & Serving Others"

Will you choose to serve or be served?
Over to you.

Stay tuned for more "Motivation Moments"...

Mel @coachmelleow


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That's why I created Motivation Moments to help you move forward.

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