Jordan Peterson is my Gandalf, and Karen Straughan is Galadriel

Hey, something different for a change...

While I'm not religious, I still find Professor Jordan Peterson very wise person. I personally find Cristopher Hitchens more agreeable in that sense, but there's something about how Prof. Peterson presents his knowledge, I find him very likable. What's more important is Peterson is honest. Unlike the person attacking him on television.

Karen Straughan fills the voids left out from the interview due Cathy Newmans continuous moving of goalposts.

Karen Straughan: Channel 4 Jordan Peterson Interview, my thoughts

I want Both Karen Straughan and Jordan Peterson here on Steem! :) If you know either of them, please tell them about Steem and ask them to join! :)


[Previous post: The car is being serviced, got a spare for rent.]

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