#179 Santiago Snapshots (1) 📷 | 智利首都随拍(一)

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Hey, today I'm sharing some shots I snapped in Santiago de Chile, where I lived a few years ago. From the Atacama in the North to the Patagonia in the South, Chile is a fascinating country with so much to offer. I was lucky enough to work in the capital and in the lovely city Concepción later.

I didn't take so many photos in these 2 cities with my camera as I did when traveling to other destinations - I guess you know what I mean? Perhaps people take more pictures when they visit somewhere as a tourist, but kind of take it for granted and ignore the beauty around their living place. It's great to see there are some challenges on Steemit to enrouge users to dicover and capture the moments in their daily life.

So here we go! First let's have an overview of the city from a hilltop:

大家好~ 今天分享一些在智利首都圣地亚哥的随拍。因为看到@wherein的「 带我看看,你的城市」活动,动员大家“拍摄你的城市瞬间”,觉得很有意思。最喜欢分享照片啦,然鹅。。。我现在住的地方在郊区,说得好听点就是回归大自然,难听点就是鸟都不拉屎,并没有城市瞬间可以分享😆。所以我想,还是来发些以前住过的城市的照片,比如其中的智利首都,这也是我加入Steem的初衷 — 督促自己整理海量影像。废话不多说,先上总览图,也就是爬到山顶俯瞰城市的照片:

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Cerro San Cristóbal is a hill offering a general view of Santiago. You can climb up on foot or take the funicular. The lookout area is also a great place to taste the traditional Chilean drink mote con huesillos (see the picture below).

Made of a kind of grain(mote), dried peach(huesillo) and sugary water, this cold drink is truly refreshing in the heat. You can find this popular drink all over the streets in Santiago during summer time. Compared to the strong cocktail classic Pisco claimed as a creation by both Peru and Chile, this sweet drink works more magic for me. :) I talked about it in this post if you are interested.

Besides, you can have fun at other sites on this hill, like the pools, the park, the zoo and the castle.


山顶的凉亭里有贩卖智利国饮 - mote con huesillos(下图我喝的那杯)。以前在这个帖子里 (下面最后一张照片)讲过智利人和秘鲁人争抢的国饮 - 柠檬口味的皮斯科酸利口酒。而酒量不行如我,还是觉得这种传统的无酒精糖水更加清甜可口。它是用南美的小麦mote、干桃huesillo和糖水混合而成的。有点像薏米水,是智利夏天街头常见的消暑饮品。





It's quite dry and sunny in summer time. So warm-toned photos are pretty common. As a result, the sunsets here are just brilliant. When it rains, the mostly snowcapped Andes mountains at the backdrop can be viewed more clear. It's such a magnificent scene that appears frequently in postcards of the city.



This skyscraper is Costanera Center Torre 2, better known as Gran Torre Santiago (Great Santiago Tower). 64 stories, it is the tallest in Latin America. You can easily see this building from different corners of the city.


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Atop the hill, like Rio de Janeiro’s Christ the Redeemer, La Virgen (Virgin Mary) and her sanctuary overlooks the city. Though not as stunning as the view of Rio with all the bays and the vast sea, you can still have a taste of nature and enjoy the picturesque vista with the towering Andean mountains standing in distance.

就像巴西里约热内卢山巅的基督像一样(我文末的拼图里有照片),这里的山顶也有圣母玛丽亚俯瞰着整座城市的芸芸众生。虽然看不到里约那种惊世的绝美风景,毕竟人家有山有海有浅湾,还有数不清的热辣美女在沙滩上嬉戏,确实有点难以匹敌啊;也没有纽约香港这种繁华大都市的满眼摩天楼,但远眺下那一座座宏伟的安第斯山,在苍松翠柏、棕榈繁花的掩映下,呼吸点干燥的新鲜空气也不赖呀~ =)

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The following pictures are about the colorful streets/architectures in the city. They were mostly taken by an old crappy phone, so it might have hard time doing justice of the real vibrant colors there. :)


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Ok, so this one is mainly of people, and I'd love to share more people shots next time. :)


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At last, some pictures about a market, since it's #marketfriday initiated by @dswigle. I'm happy to join this challenge and share some market fun! =)

My first appartment in Santiago is not far from Mercado Central de Santiago. You can buy fresh fish and seafood here, as well as dining in the food court indoors.

Another popular produce market is La Vega Central. This lively expansive place will ensure you a full-on sensory experience, with all those diverse sights, smells and sounds.

The fresh produce I miss the most from Chile is the avocado (they call it "palta" there) - so cheap, fresh and tasty! Also, cherries, stawberries, chirimoya, lúcuma, Maqui berries... 😍 But since I saw myself as a local when living next to a big market, I didn't take decent pictures there despite visiting it often. So I will share much more market photos in future from other places, such as the artstic city nearby - Valparaíso (because I went there as a tourist ;p)!

最后这几张是关于水果摊的。当时在圣地亚哥的第一间公寓就租在一个大市场旁边,作为一个圣地亚哥的“当地人”,几乎每天去那里买菜的我,是不屑于像个傻傻的游客一样到处瞎拍的,所以几乎没有找到什么市场的照片😆。下次会分享作为“游客”去旁边的嬉皮小城Valparaíso拍的市场,作为港口城市,那里的市场规模更大,沿着码头一字排开,很值得一看。智利有着长长的海岸线,一般的生鲜市场都是除了瓜果蔬菜、海鲜鱼肉之外,会有很多小餐馆现做美食,食客可以坐下狂吃,就像亚洲商场里的food court,只是类似多数西餐,大多寡淡无味。


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So that's it for today. Hope you like these snapshots! As you can see, it's only the first post about this city, so much more are coming. Stay tuned and see you soon! :)



Here are some more COLOURFUL posts I did about Latin America earlier (still updating this list):

Colorful Olinda & San Juan
Niemeyer’s Artwork Through My Lens (1)


Traditional Clothing in Peru's Colca Canyon
Trekking in Rainbow Mountains in Peru

Colorful Caminito
Hike with Me in El Chaltén (1)

Reach Torres del Paine in a Different Way!
Follow Me to Grey Glacier (1)
Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2)
Explore Easter Island with Me (1) - Introduction and Anakena
Explore Easter Island with Me (2) - Best Sunset Spot Ahu Akivi

Exploring Comuna 13 of Medellín
Colombian Coffee Triangle's Fun Vehicle - Willys Jeep

The Wild Cuban Beach and Dying Mangroves

An Abandoned Boat on the Island of Vieques


All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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