Why me? Qurator2018 membership contest entry.

Qurator2018 contest!

Howdy from Missouri, USA! I am throwing my name in the hat for the Qurator membership contest hosted by @goldendawne because it's too good of an opportunity to pass up, even though my submission is coming in last minute. Sorry about that! (I understand I might have missed the deadline but I still will post this because it will give an idea of where I see myself fitting in here and how I intend to contribute)

Brrrrrr! Happy New Year

Why am I here?

First of all, I'm excited to be a Steemian, even if it has just been for a short while (about 3 weeks now). Wish I would have known of it sooner, to be honest. Spending a lot of time previously on other social media networks, which more often then not lacked a REAL sense of community, has become rather disappointing for me overtime. Especially with how much time I spend online specifically with the goal of connecting and learning with people from all over the world with similar interests. Once I joined Steemit and stumbled onto this lovely community of homesteaders I haven't had interest to participate in those other platforms because it became abundantly clear that I needed to search no more. Those other platforms, which I will not name but I am sure you have a good idea, were increasingly unrewarding because they lack camaraderie (and Steem, of course). It's absolutely delightful to have found that here! I've included pictures I've taken at my homestead, PheSustainable Farm, for a bit of eye candy that I hope you will enjoy!

As far as vibrant communties, Steemit is where it's at!

What Will Keep Me Here?

It truly IS a community here! One worth being a part of. People share skills, knowledge, experience, aspirations, projects, tutorials, and support one another. Qualities that should be fostered. The content people post are satisfying reads because there is deep thought and great effort put in to them about topics I could read about all day long if time permitted. I've learned so much already from my fellow Steemian Homesteaders: acorns aren't just food for squirrels by @fernowl3, how to build two bay composting toilettes by @moutainjewel, the completed project and subsequent tutorial post on how to create a brown paper bag floor by @canadianrenegade, and an update on a project by @sagescrub on how his micropolytunnels have held up in these winter months. These are some of my current favorite examples. This atmosphere is HUGE for me because I fashion myself as a learnaholic. What a refreshing change of pace to be here in such a vibrate community! It already feels like Steemit is becoming a huge influence on me, one that will continue to grow on me going forward. Afterall, I am just getting started! As a matter of fact, I want to dive in deeper to become a curator for Qurator! However, as it stands right now, my voting power isn't strong enough for my votes to count for very much, if anything, nor have I earned enough to pay for a memerbership at this time.

Bzzzzz! Busy Bee butts are adorable, aren't they? Another prime example of one of nature's beloved curators

How Can I contribute to promote and bring value as a member of Qurator?

Becoming a member of Qurator would allow me to network on a grander scale with people who are participating in this community, or would like to be but aren't familiar with it yet. Membership would allow me to have a bigger audience, spread the word, and have a greater impact when upvoting these well crafted posts. Curation is the backbone of this online ecosystem, to be sure. It would be an honor to participate on Steemit not just with my own content, upvotes, resteems, but also as a curator for Qurator. Although I am still getting into the swing of Steemit, there are skills I've learned throughout the years that I think would be of benefit to the Qurator group such as network marketing, fundraising, weekly interviews for popular local dj message board, and event promotion that were all instrumental to my regional success as a dj (retired). Business, Entrepreneurship, mentoring, community support, have always been important to me not just for my own success, but because I have always believed that when we boost each other up, we all benefit. Such is the foundational goal of Steemit, as well as Permaculture principle. Currently I spend quite a bit of time online which means more availability/opportunity to search and consume posts, comment on them, and chat (I am a chatty one!). I am a troubleshooter and innovator by nature which are skills that lead me into my former career as a recording engineer. These are the qualities I can bring to the table, should I be one the five chosen by @goldendawne. At some point, whether it's now or down the road, I will become a helpful curator because it's already in my nature. It will happen when the time is right, somehow.

Another wonderful example of curators in nature: birds, who disburse seeds far and wide to grow diversity in the ecosystem. Let us hatch into this online medium to spread our wings together, shall we?

How will a Membership Benefit Me Personally?

I not only want to participate on a curation level, but also contribute valuable posts regularly on an Individual level to help me earn a little income as I am unable to work. I have been in an incomeless situtation for years now due to health reasons, searching for a work from home opportunity, preferably related to permaculture. This is for many reasons. The most important reasons revolve around the health and well-being of myself and my family; all of us have struggled with health issues. I am NOT here exclusively to earn an income, although it is certainly one of the things that first attracted me to Steemit. I have learned how much broader this social network is apart from earning the Steem cryptocurrency. One I am excited to have the honor to participate in, regardless if I win a paid membership through this great opportunity or not. { :

I want to Flourish like the rest of the members of the Steemit Community, which I think of as a vibrant ecosystem, such as this meadow of wild flowers

Thank you so much @goldendawne for the opportunity for all of us actively participate in your homesteading community contests, actively encouraging all of us to engage and grow together! Looking forward to the future of this initiative and others.

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