Race car preparations and a video from last years ice race in Rosetown Saskatchewan.


Tomorow(Saturday 17th) is race day! I've been busy all week getting two cars race ready. If you remember from my last blog I mentioned that we wern't quite fast enough with our "left for dead Honda". So what to do...

What are three ways to make any vehicle faster?

  1. Aerodynamics
  2. Weight reduction
  3. More power!

I'm not about to reinvent the wheel so any aerodynamic modifications are out of the window. Now weight reduction is the easy one. Who needs carpet in a race car!


What a mess. Luckily I had a work-ed student that day to remove the rotten old smelly carpet.


Next to go is the radio, speakers and associated wiring. We don't need any fancy plastic bits taking a free ride either, so just about anything that can be removed is chucked into the trash or recycling bins.


In all we removed about 25 pounds. Not alot, but every little bit counts. If it is warm enough we may even remove the rear hatch and rear side windows.

Now for more power!


I've had this performance camshaft laying around for about 10 years. Can you see how much larger the lobes are? This will allow more air/fuel into the cylinders and make the car go a bit faster or blow up!

With the valve cover removed you can see the rocker arm assembly that is hiding the camshaft.


After the new cam is in(just over an hour) the valve lash must be adjusted to ensure correct operation.


Hopefully the computer doesn't throw a fit with this new part in it's engine.

And look at this stroke of good luck. The Honda was made in Canada!


Now lets see if this video works. This was taken at last years race and I think my boss is driving. You can see water flying up sometimes.

Stay tuned for pictures and videos from tomorows event and also for another race car feature.


I'm @edthecanadian and as always all photos were taken with my dirty old Samsung Galaxy S6.

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