Does the spirit of the Tuskegee Airmen provide a hopeful template to heal America's racial division?

Blacks are mentally inferior, by nature subservient, and cowards in the face of danger. They are therefore unfit for combat.

U.S. Army War College Study, 1925

  96 DFCs
  66 KIA
  The Tuskegee Airmen

Cadet Lewis Johns just taught you the most important lesson you'll learn here at Tuskegee. If you don't believe in God, you'd better find a damn good substitute.

Lt. Glenn, liaison officer, to the Tuskegee airmen.

Winky: Hey look, don't be in a hurry to get to the killing part, Maurice. Tell me something. You scared of dying?

Maurice: I don't know

Winky: I am. Every time I close the lid on that canopy I feel like I'm shutting the lid on my own coffin. I'll tell ya something else. The pilot that tells you otherwise is either a liar or too foolish to know any better.

Why would you want to fly for a country that thanks you by lynching you?

Col. Lawrence Edward Roberts, Sr, USAF, United States Army Air Corps, USAAF, Tuskegee airman. Col. Roberts was a founder of the Keesler AFB Gospel service, the oldest USAF gospel service. Decorated with the Congressional Gold Medal for bravery & patriotism, Roberts helped persuade President Harry S. Truman to desegregate the military.

How African American fighter pilots, overcame US Army racism & the Luftwaffe to become one of the finest Allied fighter wings in World War II.

In the name of the President of the United States, the distinguished unit citation has been conferred upon the all-Negro 332nd fighter group for outstanding performance of duty in conflict with the enemy. By the conspicuous gallantry, professional skill, and determination of the pilots, together with the outstanding technical skill and devotion to duty of the ground personnel, the 332nd has reflected great credit on itself and on the Armed Forces of the United States. We Salute You.
Presidential Citation

For the Luftwaffe the Tuskegee airmen were Schwartze Vogelmenschen Black Birdmen. For American bomber crews, they Red Tail Angels.

The Tuskegee Airmen never lost a single bomber under their escort.

Red Tails, Black Wings: The Men of America's Black Air Force; John B. Holway

Does the spirit of the Tuskegee Airmen provide a hopeful template to heal America's racial wounds?

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