Random Acts of Christmas - Day 1 || Candycane Bombing a Parking Lot with Notes of Joy!

Hi Steemit Family!

It is exactly one week until Christmas, and last night it struck me that I have been so busy with decorating, shopping and getting ready for Christmas, that I haven’t really stopped to do something truly thoughtful this holiday season.

I recently ran across @lindsaybowes initiative to spread love and encouragement called Operation Human Angel and was really moved by how impactful random act of kindness can be. I love her approach, because it doesn’t need to cost a lot of money to spread kindness and love in the world.

All of these thoughts and ideas merged together and the phrase “Random Acts of Christmas” popped into my head. My whole body felt exhilarated by the idea of coming up with fun ways to be kind to others this week, and so I knew that I needed to make it happen. I don’t know if this falls exactly under the vision of operation human angels, or of the good news tag, so please let me know if it doesn’t! I will be doing a random act of kindness every day between now and Christmas.


I sincerely hope that others decide to join in and do a random act of Christmas kindness within the next week. :-) It could be as simple as leaving a Christmas card for the mailman, or bringing cookies to your favorite grocery clerk, or writing thoughtful notes and leaving on that your neighbors doors.

If you decide to join in, please use the “randomactsofchristmas” tag so that I can find your post and give you some encouragement! Even if you don’t post an article about it, I hope this series makes you stop and think for a moment about the people in your life that you could do something kind an unexpected for. :-)

Day 1 - Candycane Bombing a Parking Lot with Notes of Joy

How often do you come out to your car and find something on your windshield? Almost never. How many of those times is it some weird spammy sales thing? 9. 5/10. How much better would it be to find a thoughtful note from a complete stranger? Way better than that spammy sale stuff for sure.


Making these little notes and tying a candy cane with ribbon could not have been easier. :-) I used a little red card stock I had laying around, a hole punch, some white ribbon, and some dollar store candy canes. It was actually a lot of fun to put these together!



Setting everything up



My workstation is all ready to go!

All in all, it probably took me only 30-45 minutes to prepare everything, including making the tags and assembling all of the candy canes. I did three dozen in total.


The bag is full and the candy canes are ready to find a new home

Which parking lot to choose?

I decided to go to my local Trader Joe’s. They are always so busy and have limited space for parking. People tend to fight over spots and can get easily aggravated by circling the parking lot. All of these people that feel rushed to just run in and get the groceries seem like the perfect candidate for a random act of Christmas. I can definitely understand their struggle though, I started to feel a little annoyed myself when I couldn’t find a spot today Maybe I needed a candycane too. ;)



Alright, let’s go spread some joy!



Only a few more left!


A whole row of cars with candy canes

Total Cost for this Random Act of Christmas : $3!

It doesn’t have to take a lot of money to do something unexpected and thoughtful. I hope you stay tuned to see tomorrow’s Random Act of Christmas, and I hope that you decide to jump in and do some yourself!

A Few of My Recent Posts

Dtube - Haunting Acapella Cover - O Come, O Come Emmanuel
My First Vlog! - How to Study the Steemit Pro's to Improve your Blog
Dtube - Silent Night - Flute Christmas Cover

Always Hitting You With The Good Stuff!


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