New Game: Random Challenge of the Day!

Quick Announcement.png

Here's a fun idea I had. Let's do a Random Challenge every day. I made a list of different things as challenges. Stuff like, pay it forward or put on your wackiest outfit and take a pic. Sometimes it might be artsy/craftsy. Or it might be a riddle to solve. Each day I'll use a random name picker to choose an item from the list. Here's our first random challenge!


How to Play this Challenge:

You must perform a random act of kindness. That's it. It can be as simple as sending a friend a nice message to let them know you're thinking of them. Buying someone's cup of coffee. Complimenting someone. Things like that.

How to enter:

Whatever you choose to do for your random act of kindness, you must provide photo or video proof somehow. Please be mindful that others may not want to have thier picture taken and plan accordingly.

You can make your own post for your entry and drop a link in the comments, or leave your entry as a comment. Either way is fine. If you make your own post, please try to use the tag #randomcotd in case you forget to drop a link, I can still find it.

How do I win?

All verified entries will win!
Every entry will receive an upvote worth anywhere from $0.15 - $3.0 from me.
Only one entry per day will win the $3 upvote, so make yours the best!

Each daily challenge will remain open for entries until payout, so 7 days. You may only enter each day's challenge once! But no need to rush if you need time to plan. If you need more ideas on what to do for a random act of kindness and how to document that, head on over to the #ophumanangels and #randomactsofkindness to see what other Steemians are doing. Here was mine for today: @khackett/ophumanangels-a-mission-for-my-momma

I hope this sounds like something fun that people will want to do! I was really bummed that the Fantasy Crypto Trading League didn't work out. Hopefully we can keep this going for a while. :)

Good luck all!



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