Romanian pickle recipe

Hello my Steemit friends!

Today we will do some pickles

But first I must say that all the vegetables are bought only from farmers and not from a Mall or something like that.

The ingredients

  • green tomatoes,

These were the last tomatoes from my garden

Ok ..if you canot the far far (galaxy) corner on the right you can see three remaining green tomatoes...
Ok, ok maybe there is still one or two

Oh sorry ...maybe this picture is better

  • cauliflower,

  • celery

  • small watermelon,

  • Red pepper

Note: The red pepper is not hot, rather has a normal taste litle bit juicy.
In Romania we call it red pepper but his real name or definition is -Eastern European frying pepper or better known olso as Antohi Romanian frying pepper-

  • green pepper (these where hot..well most of them, we chosen the best ones to make the brine spicy olso)

  • last but not least we put some carrots and cucumbers

    Put vegetables in layers do not squeeze them and do not leave large gaps in jars.

    Above are put leaves and stalks celery, arranged so as to push vegetables in brine.

    And now as a family secret we added a branch of a cherry tree

    Boil a brine of cold water and coarse salt - a tablespoon of salt, race, 1 liter of cold water. Bring to boil and brine 2-3 to 5-10 minutes to cool. Pour the hot brine over the vegetables and fruits placed in pots.

    We used Romanian coarse salt.

    Now this part is super important !!!

    The jars must be as tight as possible. After this we put them in our cellar.
    Do you remember my cellar?
    I show that to you in my previous post check it out if you did not read it:

    Note you can see my cellar at the end of the video!

    In 2-3 days fermentation occurs in full. Fermentation will take 2-3 weeks, as it is warm, the place where you stored the jars.
    Then rinse off brine, about 2-3 weekly basis and pickles are ready for consumption.
    Once you have opened the jar, you have made the connection with the atmosphere and introduced without you, new bacteria existing in the atmosphere, which amplifies the production of slime over souring and pickles.
    Never leave vessel discovered, when you started to eat pickles in it, cover it and lock it as tight as possible, otherwise it will sour the pickles and they will soften and rot.

    Final product

    Thank you for reading this post!

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