Letting Go of the Past and Embracing Your Present and Future

Hello there, friend. Welcome back to another video it is so nice to see you again. If you are new to my channel, my name is @kenmelendez and my aim is to motivate and inspire you to live your best life now and rise up to your full potential as a human being.

The message you are consuming today revolves around letting go of the past. When you look around, you may see people who look like they got the wind taken out of their sails, they are beat up and have no zest for life. These people are depressed, frustrated, or anxious on a daily basis.

It's easy to speculate and think they are just plain rude or maybe they are having a bad day. In reality, these people are dealing and coping with their past. This might hit home to you if you've had some rough experiences in the past.

The problem comes in when we allow these past experiences to dictate our present and our future. When we allow past experiences to control our current mindset and outlook on life. When we allow the past to affect our vision for the future.


A great place to start when learning to let go of the past is to recognize the specific event and make peace with it. Did someone wrong you years ago and you are holding onto that pain? Did something horrible happen to you that you allow to still haunt your present?

If you don't remember exactly what happened in your past, try to pinpoint a timeframe of when it happened and how you felt at that moment. Think of that moment in your mind, and then go and make peace with it. Making peace could mean calling someone who you need to forgive. It could mean meeting up with someone and saying "I'm sorry", even if it wasn't your fault.

Unforgiveness in a person's life, perhaps your own, is toxic to the body and to the soul. It eats away at your emotions and halts your forward progress towards all goals. Unforgiveness has the power to steal your joy and zest for life in the present and in the future.

Even if the other person or group of people were in the wrong, forgiving them is the best medicine and the best healer. Keep in mind, the other person is not the one being punished by your unforgiveness, you are. You are the one being hurt over and over again each day and it is like carrying a bag of bricks on your back everywhere you go.

Perhaps you had a crazy awful upbringing and you grew up in poverty or in an abusive household. I want you to know that you still have the power within you to succeed. Why? Because I believe in you, and you have the skills and abilities neccessary to create an incredible lifestyle for you and your family.

Right now you can see, you can feel, you can hear, you can move your body, you can use your mind, and you can access your creative nature. Realizing what you have right now in the present is a powerful perspective shift from past focused to gratitude focused.


To share a quick story with you, I had a breakdown the other night. It was an emotional threshold that I hit because I have a goal for what I want my life to look like, but I felt stuck in my current circumstance. I am driven by my vision to live the laptop lifestyle full-time but I have not yet reached that point because I still work 2 jobs.

I reached a pain point where I said you know what, I've had enough with the decisions that I've been making and things are going to change. I knew that the breakdown I experienced had forged a new pathway in my life. That breakdown gave me a new energy and a new outlook on my next action steps. Know this my friend...in front of every breakdown, there is a breakthrough about to happen.

If you are experiencing pain from your past, you must let go of it. Letting go will free you up and allow you to have a joy-filled present and future. Place your focus on your future and where you where you want to end up. Allow the vision you have for your life to pull you away from your past.

What can you control right now? What actions can you take right now? What positive thoughts can you entertain right now that are going to drive you towards a bright future?

When you let go of the past your mind will be freed up, your body will be freed up, your emotions will be freed up, and your spirit will be freed up to become the person that you were designed to become. Focus on the now and focus on the future.


I can promise you this...when you let go, you are going to have transformation in your business, in your spiritual life, in your relationships, in your Steem journey, and so much more. It is going to be like a volcanic eruption of happiness and joy when you let go of your past and embrace the present and the future.

I love you friend and I care about you. Can't wait to see you in the next video. Until then, remember... You Are Awesome.

Take care.



P.S. Your past does not dictate your future.

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