The evolution of Adam - Two trees and choice

Last week, we looked at what the account hints at regarding the physical, mental and spiritual state of the unique couple in Eden.

It was noted that we could identify with their state, since it was the same childlike state that we have all experienced to some degree or another as children.

The childlike state, although paradisaical is not ideal...

We all need to grow up at some time or another and take on the responsibilities of life.

So to with Adam and his wife in paradisaical Eden; and a way was prepared for this change of state to be brought about, involving two trees and their fruit.

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The tree of Life

Eating of the tree of life would not disturb the status quo at that time.

The tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Eating of this tree was detrimental since it had the consequence of bringing about physical changes that would result in the alteration of metabolic and other processes of the body. One of the final outcomes of these changes would eventually be death.

This should not be difficult for us to accept.

With our knowledge of pharmaceuticals it is very apparent that the ingestion of certain substances can bring about predictable and lasting physical or other effects.

When we ingest something it is broken down, distributed throughout the body, utilized and sometimes even incorporated into the makeup of our cells. Some things we eat truly become part of us.

After all, "We are what we Eat" as the saying goes. Our diet over time can radically affect our health and well being.

The Red Pill or the Blue Pill

In "The Matrix" trilogy we see a similar metaphor employed. Neo is given the choice of taking the red pill or the blue pill. On will result in him continuing down the path of the status quo and the other will radically alter everything. In this case its not a fruit that is eaten but an actual pharmaceutical pill.

To complete the complexity of the situation there would be mental and spiritual outcomes to add to the physical changes that would ensue.

Eating of the Tree of Life was approved and partaking of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was forbidden.

To eat of one, would be an act of obedience and conforming to the Parent's will. To eat of the other, would be an act of defiance and to exercise ones own will contrary to the will the Parent.

Herein lay the knowledge of Good an Evil. To be blindly obedient requires little real free thought and poorly enhances knowledge or experience. A robot and computer can be programmed to act in this manner and these are far from self aware or conscious.

This is a stagnant condition with little growth or prospect of self improvement.

To exercise ones will independently of others is totally different.

Herein lies the key to knowledge, growth and improvement. Only when our choices are our own can we truly be accountable for them and only then can the ensuing consequences be considered just.

The options were placed before the couple and the opportunity was presented, for it is only when we have multiple choices to choose from that real choice occurs.

The couple were placed in a perfect catch 22 situation.

They had previously been commanded to multiply and replenish the earth, but in their current childlike state, this was impossible. Only after the fall is "the woman" then called Eve because she is the mother of all living.

They could remain innocent in paradise, without offspring and with no prospects for growth and progression, or they could transgress and partake of the forbidden fruit, thereby enabling their future ability to keep the first commandment they had been given.

The situation in Eden was perfectly planned, they could not keep both of the commandments they had been given, they had to choose either one or the other. Adam and Eve needed to learn to think for themselves and the choices before them provided just such an opportunity.

Therefore we refer to the situation as "Adam's Transgression".

He broke one law in order to obey another. This act of transgression brought about the "opening of the eyes", the transition from "childlike" to "being as the gods, knowing good and evil"

From instinct driven animal, to being made in Gods image, capable of independent thought and action with full knowledge of the consequences.

From childlike innocence to mature adult responsibility and accountability.

Only now was Mans creation complete.

Next time we will look at the purpose of death.

Previous parts of this Series.

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Where do these notions originate?

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Delving a little deeper

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Into the detail

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Some conclusions

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Some more conclusions

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - The implications.

The evolution of Adam - a conundrum

The evolution of Adam - Who is Adam

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