What Difference Does It Make?

This is the eleventh, of a hopefully weekly series, that explores faith, religion, and Christianity. The idea is to share with you my faith, issues I am working on, and to promote discussion.

The recognition that the world is full of pain, fear, and strife isn’t breaking news.

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Please check out the end of this article for links to previous Sunday posts.

The understanding that bad things happen to good people doesn’t exactly create shockwaves either.

If you have spent anytime reading my Sunday post, you, like me, may have noticed a certain theme emerging.

Life is a mess.

The world we inhabit if full of unfairness, unjustness, greed, despair, inequality…

It can be overwhelming when you think about it.

So my question is: What difference does it make?

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Maybe the better question is What Difference Can You Make?


Brothers and Sisters, you can make a difference by supporting the Priceless Movement.

By clicking on the image above, you will learn more about:

  • One of the best ways to prevent the trafficking and exploitation of children

  • Support, restoration, and community for victims of trafficking

  • Anti-trafficking organizations where you live to help spark a change!

If this relates to you and you are interested in knowing more, please ask someone. Me. My wife. A local pastor. A neighbor you know who is a Christian. But please ask and I guarantee you that they will be excited to tell you more. They will especially appreciate that you asked them so that they are not forcing their beliefs upon you but getting your permission to share. It may even be something they have been praying for.

Lord willing, see you all next Sunday!



Written by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray for more thought provoking content.

Donations to PayPal.Me/michaelpaine are also welcome.

Please check out the previous discussions:

Disparity on Display
This discussion takes a look at disparity and injustice and proposes guidance on a response.

Comfort and Contentment
This post examines my struggle with the differences between being content and being comfortable.

This post documents part of my journey that lead me from being an enemy of God to being saved by Jesus Christ.

Praise and Worship
This takes a look at the awkward feelings about publicly praising and worshiping the Lord and what difference that has made in my life.

Reasons to Believe
We take a micro tour of Christian Apologetics and the impact it has had on my faith. I am not the best at it and so I direct to sources greater than myself to help others.

Do I have to go?
The question of church attendance is addressed from my perspective of being on both sides of the equation as a non-believer and believer who did and didn’t attend Sunday service at different times in my life.

In God We Trust
Trusting in God is not an easy thing sometimes, especially when you don’t know the next step.

It’s Hard to Find Good Help These Days
There is a great disconnect. Getting “plugged in” also means we may “disconnect” and not help out. My call is for the faithful to participate more and more fully in the mission to share Christ with the world.

Breaking the Habit of Self-Destruction
I address the topic of my struggle with self-destructive behavior and transition into looking at the trials we face and how we can deal with them.

Nothing Is Ideal
How do you handle it when life doesn’t turn out the way you expect?

Hey y’all for more great content check out my friends.

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