NAQUOYA'S BOOK REVIEWS | The Switch – Elmore Leonard

I finally made it to the first of many books from the famous, and prolific crime author, Elmore Leonard. So many of his novels have been adapted to film, which is where I initially heard his name. But until now I hadn't actually gotten around to reading any of his material. I'm not sure why this was the one I chose to start with. I can't remember why, but that doesn't matter, because if this is indicative of his material then it was as good a place as any to begin.

Elmore Leonard writes great characters, unique, developed, and from the real world. I could picture them, not so much their looks, but their mannerisms, their interactions, and their style. Their personalities are allowed to shine through, and blend into the story itself. From a reader's perspective, this made for a vivid and clear story, as the character arcs are so well laid out.

Frank Dawson is a wealthy real estate developer, married to Mickey (real name Margaret) and together they have a son Bo, a teenager who is working his way up the junior tennis rankings. Thanks to the family money, they are members of one of Detroit's country clubs.

However, not all of Frank's wealth has been gained legitimately. He has been buying stolen appliances for the condominium towers he rents out. He also receives all rents in cash, and keeps a large percentage undeclared. Siphoned off into an offshore bank account, away from the prying eyes of the tax department. Not, however, from the prying eyes of Ordell, the man who organises the stolen appliances for Frank.

Ordell cooks up a plan to extort a million dollars out of Frank, and calls in his buddy Louis to help him work it. Together the two of them, with the aid of a slightly crazy nazi whose house they plan to use, set about kidnapping Mickey, and sending a ransom demand for the money to be wired into an account they have set up offshore themselves.

Whilst not the best of planners, it starts off well, and contact is made with Frank. They had waited until he went to the Bahamas, supposedly for business, leaving his wife on her own. They give him twenty four hours to make the transfer. No police, which he wouldn't want anyhow, due to his own shady business practices. What Ordell and Louis didn't plan on however, is Frank's consideration that perhaps their plan works to his favour. He was planning to divorce his wife. He was in the Bahamas with his mistress. This could solve a big dilemma for him.

The plan starts to unravel wildly, for all involved. Mickey, the previously timid housewife utilises the experience as a sort of mid life crisis. She gets mad. Not at the kidnappers, at Frank. The mistress tries to get in on the deal, becoming the go between for Ordell and Frank, but dreaming up her own scheme. Now there are several scenarios at play, and no one really in charge anymore.

The Switch brings all of this to a culmination point worthy of the read. The story is fast paced, and more so as it builds to its crescendo, with a twist at the end that made for a great journey. This is good, honest, fun entertainment. The writing is clever, the ideas flow, and there is a wicked sense of humour underlying it all. Definitely worth a read.

The Switch was made into a movie in 2013, called Life of Crime.

I give The Switch 4 out of 5 stars.

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