A Crypto Collectibles Super Spoiler Free Review - The Punisher

This review is for anyone who was on the fence about watching this new comic book based series on Netflix, if you have or have not watched ANY of the previous Marvel Universe shows already up, such as Daredevil season 2 where The Punisher premiered.   No spoilers here at all.   

Go watch it.  It's good.  

The Punisher is possibly the best released so far out of all current shows, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, even The Defenders as a whole.  This out does them all in story, pace, character depth, acting, even the cinematography seems a step up.  A decent argument could be made that this also has the best music.   This is not to poo poo all the released shows so far, in fact, all of those are very great (or at least good) shows with their own strengths and if you have seen them all you will enjoy The Punisher series taking place in this same universe so much more.

I want to say more, but after reading a Steemit post titled  Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic and Movie critics Why you shouldn't listen to them I started getting side tracked into other thoughts kind of related to that post but not about that post, just about just reviews themselves at all.   Even ones titled "Spoiler Free" tend to give spoilers in indirect ways.  You don't have to name direct quotes or very specific events that occur in a movie to sour tings, telling me the tone set by a film is spoiling things for me.

I love going into a movie knowing nothing more than who wrote it, who directed it, and some names of people who will be acting in it.  Anything past that really is spoiling aspects of the movie is it not?  Trailers are the worst spoilers.  I just like seeing the final scores like those shown on Rotten Tomatoes or MetaCritic, basically just give me the ol' *thumbs Up* / *thumbs down* and we are set.  No stupid emojis either, give me the words written out, make me earn my review by having to use the English language or an online translator of some kind!

In Summary

Watch the first episode.  If you don't like that one, you will probably not like the series, if you like that first episode, you may end up agreeing with me.  I want to gush about the show a bit more, just Micro alone (so great!), but you know, spoilers.  Acting though, from the smallest bit part to all the main characters, I think every person who lived through the show should definitely be locked in with Marvel to continue to be part of whatever is next.   

I guess it turned out that The Punisher was just too great and had a bigger story that needed to be told in more time than a two hour movie can give it.  

Three times.


*thumbs up*

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