Finish with a time of 01:41:41
The third great surprise today, I didn't expect that.
A few steps further I got my medal. Always a really nice piece.
Then next stop the beer stand and get a tasty non-alcoholic wheat beer. That was really good after the run.
And that brings us to the last highlight in Bonn: Catering after the race.
I think it's the best in the world!
Don't you believe?
Then look at this: Menu 2018
And all this for the 13,700 runners who were there this time and gave the event a record number of participants.
Unfortunately, as always after a race, I couldn't eat that much. But I've had two nice pieces of cake. And also a beer, of course just to compensate for the loss of fluid.
The race progress and results were discussed intensively with my fellow runners. 3 runners from our club made it even under the 1:30.
Then I picked up my clothes bags and drove home happy.
We'll see if there's any muscle ache tomorrow, so stay tuned.
Links to the other posts
Bonn Marathon: Race with me! - Series
Bib numbers & Expo (2 Days to go)
Playlist & Weather
Packing & Journey
Start & Race
Finish & Afterglow
Pride & sore muscles