All you wanted to know about Running Streak - part 2

Hello all runners, runners to be and everybody else! This is the second part of the blog in which I write about the Running Streak. What is this and why I became a Streak Runner is described in All you wanted to know about Running Streak - part 1.

To make it short and sweet: if you run 1.61. km or 1 mile each and every day on consecutive days, you are on a Running Streak and you are called a Streak Runner. It can be a temporary behavior (I will run 30 days Running Streak or a Running Streak with no known end time.)

In this part I am covering the following content:

- what are the benefits of Running Streak?

- who are the famous Streak runners?

What are the benefits of a Running Streak?

Yes, there are benefits of this unusual behavior. And many reasons why people decide to do it at least for a certain period of time... Let's look at them!

  • In general being on a Running Streak helps to boost motivation. It can be a very good challenge for experienced runners, who with years tend to lose part of the initial motivation. After you run all sorts of races it can happen (this happened to me) that a runner loses the running »mojo«.
  • Being on a Running Streak can also work magic for runners who only just started or want to start running. Regular, disciplined short and sweet everyday runs are something that boosts motivation and can lead to further running challenges (or you just stick with 1.61 km or 1 mile per day).
  • Running Streak "forces" you to go out and you reap the benefits of being outdoors in the fresh air every day
  • Running each and every day can really boost your running confidence. You find pride and satisfaction at sticking to something.


  • Most Streak Runners feel more energy and stamina. It is not unusual… it is also science backed how beneficial are effects of running on our body and mind!
  • Many Streak Runners report that their whole life is »more in order« and they praise daily runs for it.
  • Running every day even if only 10 minutes, gives you ‘me’ time and resets your mental state. It is difficult to believe but I personally struggled more with disciplined following the program for races prior I started the Running Streak. Now is something I do and I do not question it nor delaying training.
  • If you like a bit of social accountability, follow and/or join a community of Streak Runners. You just check hashtags on any social platform: #runeveryday #runstreak #streakrunner #RWstreakrunner #keepthestreak2018 #streakrunning... and you will see that fellow streak runners are everywhere. We have a very small group of Streak Runners in Slovenia too: #vsakodnevnitek #bizinsakiden!

Who are Streak Runners? Let's "meet" a few of them!

The most famous Streak Runner in the world with the longest Running Streak in history is Ron Hill, who was on the Running Streak for 52 years and 39 days 19,032 days.
He started on 21st of December 1964 and he stopped his Running Streak last year, on 1st of February 2017 (due to ill health).


If you like, you can read more about Ron Hill in this Guardian's article. Let me point out here just one part where you can grasp what an amazing athlete we are talking about:"He ran in three Olympic games – Tokyo in 1964, Mexico City in 1968 and Munich in 1972. He won the European Championship marathon in 1969. In 1970, he won the Boston marathon – the first British runner to do so – and in July of the same year, won the Commonwealth Games title in Edinburgh." Ron Hill's web page is also a great source of motivation for becoming a Streak Runner; check it out!

Current title of active Streak Runner with the longest Running Streak goes to Jon Sutherland.
Jon started his Running Streak on 26th of May 1969 and today he ran 17.801 consecutive days or 48.7 years! He is amazing runner and very interesting person. Let me illustrate this with this quote from the Newsweek's interview:"In one moment he will talk about premeet training runs with the legendary Steve Prefontaine and New Zealand’s Rod Dixon (the 1,500-meter bronze medalist at the 1972 Olympics), a lifelong friend. In the next, and with no less enthusiasm, Sutherland will share how he helped Metallica find a new bassist."


Here is another interview with Jon Sutherland in RW. Enjoy reading it: I dare to say that his wisdom can be used as a great motivation for running or anything in life!

In the next - last - part of this blog, you will be able to read about:

  • tips and tricks on how to start your own Running Streak
  • how to overcome challenges (weather, health, motivation)
  • and some bonus info for the end.

Stay tuned!

Thank you for reading! Looking forward to your comments, questions, and sharing the takeaway!

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If you run, apply to Runningproject. Project connects runners on Steemit! Isotonic can help you run and "regenerate" after your run!

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