Manual for wannabe runners - part 3

Hello, dear runners and runners to be! Are you ready for the next part of this manual? This is the Part 3 of the Manual for wannabe runners.

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash.jpg
Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

If you are interested, you can find and read the previous 2 parts here:

This time I am writing about:

- what other running gear should I buy and

- motivation and inspiration for running.

Dear runners and runners to be: you are very kindly invited to add your experiences, ideas, proposals regarding both topics in the comments below.

Let us go right into both topics!

What running clothes and gear I need?

We covered the running shoes in part 2. So what is left are other clothes for running?

A basic combination of clothes looks something like this:

  • a T-shirt with long or short sleeves
  • running tights or pants
  • running socks
  • a cap to protect you from cold or sun.

And this is basically it. All of the clothes should feel comfortable, and should not obstruct the movement. You should feel fine also temperature-wise: not too cold or too warm.

Now let's talk about few specifics that are important for running clothes.

  • There is a variety of designed synthetic fabrics that transfer sweat away from the skin to the outside of the garment and it helps us to stay dry and comfortable.

  • Styles, colors, patterns, fabrics: there is such a variety of offer that you can totally find anything you want and like.

  • Where to buy clothes? I am buying it mostly on yearly sales. All big sports shops have seasonal sales, when only because brands are introducing new collection (new colors, slightly changed designs etc.) you can get top end quality clothes for half price or less. Online shops have regular price items and sales as well (my favorite is Runners Warehouse Europe).

  • In colder weather, add a vest, jacket or soft-shell, a cap, gloves and warmer knee-socks.

  • A friendly reminder from an experienced runner: in colder temperatures, you have to feel a bit cold prior to your training when you step outside. I do not mean freezing. But feeling like you could have another layer. Why? Your body will generate warmth with the movement and you do not want to feel too hot after first kilometer or mile of your run!

  • Here is an infographic about layered clothing at different temperatures:
    layering for winter.jpg

Some additional useful information regarding running clothes and gear, especially from a weather and safety point of view:

  • Can you run in rain, snow, wind, when freezing, …? Yes or no – up to you. I do. You can find specific items to be more protected from rain and snow and with time you will check-it-out and see if you will run in such weather or rather watch the weather forecasts more often and adjust your training hours to more pleasant weather.
  • Many runners like to use some GPS running tracker device. You can run without it but it can help you follow the running plan if you follow one or to compare your runs and measure progress. Many of these trackers also help you to connect with fellow runners. I personally use Runtastic for several years. It is user- friendly, reliable and I got used to it. But there are many others on the market: find what would be best for your needs here.
  • If you use earphones to use the training time for a relaxation and/or learning new stuff (not too loud - if you are in traffic). Find earphones that are meant for sports activity and will not fall out all the time and annoy you.
  • Mind you that if you run in the dark, make sure that your running clothes and if possible also shoes will have some reflective or illumination elements if at all possible. Or you can simply light a torch on your phone or have a head torch for running. Only this will other participants in traffic enable to notice you and you will not put yourself and others in the danger of an accident.
  • Here on an infographic, you can see some examples of using reflective or illuminating elements:

Motivation and inspiration for running

I admit that before I became a regular runner, I looked up to regular runners like they are really very, very special and different beings… How on earth do they find the motivation to go and run? Where do they find the strength to run long distances in all kind of weather and so on. I used to be a very sedentary person back then and I described the start of my running journey in How I started to run or can a workaholic and sedentary couch potato become a marathon runner?.

Well, at that time I did not know the secret that they knew (not necessarily know but implicitly they implemented it). This secret enables all of us to be(come) regular runners. And it helps us to develop the willpower to run in all kinds of more difficult or challenging circumstances. So I will share the secret with you now.

Photo by Curtis MacNewton on Unsplash.jpg
Photo by Curtis MacNewton on Unsplash


Develop a habit of regular running

Well, you have kind of instant motivation when you develop a habit of regular running. It does not have to be daily. But it has to be regular enough (a few times per week).

Not impressive enough? Did you hope I will reveal something more profound? Well, I believe it is (very) profound!
There is physiological reasoning how habit helps us. Or in other words: why with a help of habit something – may be really very difficult and unpleasant – can become not only bearable but something you do on regular basis without any specific effort.

If you are a book reading type of person, I recommend that you read all the logic behind establishing a habit in the excellent book of Charles Duhigg: The Power of Habit.

For those who would like to avoid the reading part, I can very briefly and in a condensed manner explain how the habit of running can be formed and kept alive. Habit is formed and kept alive through regular repetition of certain routine.
Important: what helps us to repeat the routine enough times for the routine to become a habit are:

  • triggers and
  • rewards.

What is very interesting is that not all people who establish the same habit (let's say running) do not use same triggers nor same rewards for the same routine.

Why is establishing a habit so crucial?

  • First of all: when certain behavior is a habit you do not have to spend so much (or almost none) energy and willpower to start each and every iteration of the desired behavior.
  • It becomes almost automatic as soon as you see or feel triggers.
  • After the routine, there should be a reward, which strengthens the routine or makes it more likely that we will return to it. This reward part is especially important in the phase of establishing the habit!

So what can work like a trigger in relation to running?

  • Determining the time and running route (many runners use a running schedule with type and length and pace of run) will increase the likelihood of actually going on the run.
  • Running in a company is fun and it brings an element of social accountability, which again increases your chances of going for a run.
  • Combine running with another activity that you like (music, podcast, taking a photo…), so you will feel additional motivation for actually doing it.
  • Having running gear in a visible space or close to the door can help as a visual trigger.
  • If you are a daily runner (streak runner) you know that at one point in the day you will simply have to go and do the run.

The triggers worked and you went to a run (this is the routine part of the running habit).

So what is the reward at the end of the run?

  • Part of reward starts to happen already on the run itself. See all the chemical magic that is going on in your body during your run
  • Some runners like to post on social media about their runs. It can also be used as a trigger (above) to browse through posts of fellow runners.
  • In first weeks of introducing running as a habit do try to define a reward that will be additional incentive to go on the run. This can look like: "I will read a chapter in a book when I return and dring a glass of red wine and/or eat a piece of chocolate.").

Any other sources for running inspiration?

  1. Eat & Run written by Scott Jurek
  2. Born to run wirtten by Christopher McDougall
  3. What I talk about when I talk about running written by Haruki Murakami.


Warming-up and cooling-down

In the first month when you start with a combination of running and walking and all is slow, pleasant and not strenuous the whole training is like a warm-up and cool-down ;).
Later, when you will add speed training, hill training, long-distance training, fartlek, etc. warming up and cooling down with proper stretching exercises will become an integral part of your training routine.

A word or two regarding food and drink

Do not eat a large meal for about 2 hours before running (about 30 minutes before running eat something small: 100-200 kcal - for example a banana). It is recommended to drink every 30 minutes a glass of water.
On a longer run (distances above 10 km) you can add some energy during your run (in form of gels, energy drinks etc.)

Last but not least. Running is great!

I have no words to present, how much joy and satisfaction I gained in my life by being a runner.
Even here on Steemit, I am getting to know some wonderful running fellows!
Running is not only joy... sometimes it is tiredness, sometimes pain, new insights, moments of pride and victory.
I love running! And I take this love seriously enough. I invest time in it and if I have running on my calendar I take it with the same responsibility as if you promised somebody else (and not just "myself").
Running taught me how to upgrade my perseverance and discipline. It is my core habit that helps everything else in my life to be in sync. On some very challenging days, running is also a great way of releasing negative energy and filling with positive energy.

Photo by Finn Gross Maurer on Unsplash

Is this the last part of Manual for Wannabe Runners? Very likely so.
Now what? Now lace your running shoes and check on the running track if the manual works!

As I like to say in each and every one one of my running posts...
... do try to run today if you can... running is the universal cure for almost anything...

Thank you for reading!

Looking forward to your comments, questions and your own experiences about running!

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