Fuji 5Lakes Training Blog - 10/19/2017 - Running nervously on an overpass not made for pedestrians (how it feels to be an anarchist, every day)


Living life as an anarchist is kind of like the run I took tonight--along a long, narrow overpass (an elevated section of road heading downtown)--with no sidewalks and all traffic flying at you from behind. Just waiting for the cops to pull up any second and tell me to get the hell off because this is not a "pedestrian" thoroughfare. Just waiting for some idiot driver to fly by and come close to smashing me into the concrete wall at my side.

Those of us who are aware of the evil nature of the state pretty much feel like this every day. One never knows when the state is going to take an interest in your personal affairs: your finances, what plants you may or may not have in your home, your opinions on politics, whether or not you are collecting rainwater on your property. Actually, the list of things the government deems legitimate reasons to cage and kill human beings is virtually endless.

For those that are aware, and that love peace, justice, freedom, and humanity, to call this "highly unsettling" would be an understatement. It's an absolute living nightmare.

Well, how do I deal? I try to have a good attitude, remain grateful for how fortunate I am in this life, and try to utilize said good fortune in the service of others on the same path, when I can. And. I run. I got the hell off of that overpass as soon as the road got too, too narrow. I got what I came for. A view of the twinkling lights of the city downtown.

Tonight's Run.

DISTANCE: 5.01 miles
THEME SONG: "Apartment Story" - The National

Oh, we're so disarming darling, everything we did believe
Is diving, diving, diving, diving off the balcony
Tired and wired we ruin too easy
Sleep in our clothes and wait for winter to leave Hold ourselves together with our
Arms around the stereo for hours
La, la, la, la, la While it sings to itself or whatever it does
When it sings to itself of its long lost loves
I'm getting tied, I'm forgetting why





Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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