Finally met my running goals! What a great feeling.

Last night I finally reached my running goal I had set over the last 6 months for myself.


I've been getting back into running again finally after getting a bit plump and lazy. I was noticing I was out of breath climbing the stairs at work or playing with the kids in the house.

I upped the ante about 3-4 month ago when I started the steemit fitness challenge with a few others and committed to a goal pace of less than 5:30min/km for 5km.

I hit a huge plateaus around 6mins, then finally broke that and was stuck at 5:50 for another couple weeks. I mused about this extensively in my last fitness update here but finally list night conditions were perfect!

I was feeling pretty positive desite having another rough shift at work, so I channeled both the positivity and annoyance from the rough shift into motivation. I also knew the contest was closing and was feeling the pressure from that. I was on a solid 3 days rest, I felt my diner was just right. The ground was finally firm and it was a beautiful -10C after being around 0 for a few days. Everything was right!

After the first 2km, I had made a great start running both well under 5:30, once I also completed the 3rd Km under 5:30 I was really feeling confident. The speed was tough but not impossible and I knew I had a tiny bit of wiggle room now. The last two kms were just over 5:30/min but close enough to keep the whole run just under 5:30.

Here's all the details and metrics!




I calculated and intensity of 98% that was pretty impressive. In the past it's usually around 90% and I rarely even hit a HR>180 let alone sustain that for most of the run.

I was just a great and powerful feeling to be able to achieve that! Likely why I'm still awake instead of sound asleep right now after being up all night.... lol. I just had to announce it to everyone right away!

I think it'll take an couple extra days to record then I need to refocus my training to start stretching out the runs and hitting longer distances as my next goal is the local Marathon May!

Hopefully I can walk tonight! Definitely going to be a stretching night!

Footer by @bearone

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