Running for Neo #3 (Total 35 KM, 199 days until the Marathon of Berlin)

Dollar Cost Averaging Neo for every kilometer!
In 199 days I will be running the Marathon of Berlin on the 19th of September. Today I have started my official preparations. As an experiment I will be using a variant on dollar cost averaging, at which I will invest 1 dollar for each kilometer that I run in preparation of the marathon in both NEO and GAS. This will therefore be both a blog of both my runs as well as an exercise to see what kind of investment performance can be achieved by dollar cost averaging Neo.

Today's run
This evening a ran across the Saigon bridge to the new riverside central park. I ran around 10 kilometers on an easy pace as I need to go easy a little as tomorrow morning I will go for a more aggressive speed run in the morning.

Neo price
Neo seems to be getting very expensive in just three short days the price has increased 24 percent to 144.03 USD. Today I will purchase 10 usd worth of NEO and 10 usd worth of GAS. I guess I should have run a full marathon the day before yesterday. My weighted average price is now $125.22 for NEO and $38.53 for GAS. So the return for both is now around 15%.

DateKMNeo PriceGas PriceNeoGas
25 February 201817.01$115.87$35.380.150.48
26 February 20188.19$121.15$37.420.070.22
27 February 201810.23$144.03$44.670.070.23

Previous posts:

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Expat supply chain professional working in Vietnam | Blockchain enthusiast | Runner

Neo: at the right place at the right time

Nebulas: solving some of the greatest challenges in blockchain technology

Elastos (ELA): white paper deep-dive

Running for Neo #1 (Saigon Vietnam 17 KM/USD)

Running for Neo #2 (Total 25 KM, 200 days until the Marathon of Berlin)

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