It has been silent for years but now Omar shows up. He contacts me by msm, asks me how I am doing. I do not know him and I do not care about his bad picture.
I guessed right if it comes to the country he lives in and yes I have even been there.
I do know how young men and women make an income. Mainly by abusing tourists. Telling them stories about how bad their life is, how they try to hang in and... they always have to care of the whole family, their siblings and their mom was always ill and just died!
The times I heard that story are countless. Facts are: men seldom take care of the family (they prefer to abandon them), sons seldom do. Women do (there are many single moms). They cook, sell it on the street, do the laundry for others and work on the land. If they are lucky it is their own piece of land.
If women have less luck they work in the prostitution and with some more luck they only have to comfort an old tourist. Make him believe she loves him dearly so he will take her out to a restaurant and even pay for her kid.
I never saw one single woman beg outside on the street or drink tea for hours with her friends. Men do.
If it comes to begging, kids are useful (they are easily given away as well it is normal to let them raise by someone else) since tourists are easily to manipulate and weak hearted. Tourists feel better if they help out a child in need while drinking their import beers.
From a distance men keep an eye on these kids (mostly boys). They should bring back money not eating ice creams or being invited for dinner.
If the (young) men gathered enough money, or manage to get married with an elderly woman, they move to their new home country. Some stay for a few years. It will be a marriage full of fights and hard working (by the wife) to send money to the rest of the family, build a house, buy some cars and paying for his trips up and down.
Some men already leave within 2 months time if their wife is at work. They simply disappear with all the furniture etc. No matter how hard the wife tries to find him he can not be found (big chance he is back with his wife in his home country or has an other woman in Europe he likes more because she has more money to spend). Do not worry he is doing fine and since you are married, you are responsible for his debts.
Tourists live with guilt. Guilt about the past, the colonies they had. So it is easy to blame them for everything, instead of mentioning their own laziness and lack of will to (re)build their own life and country.
Next to that, religion is a good way to fish for money (it is NOT help you give, you provide in an income and you teach a criminal hard working is for dummies and it is fine to steal, cheat and lie).
Although Omar is "poor" he can waste his money on the internet. His English is fine and for sure he is not visiting school since years nor working (the tourist season did start over there).
The fact I am familiar to his country does not ring a bell, neither does the fact I tell him I have no money to come back. Even if I tell him I once was married to one of his fellow countrymen there is no respond. Not that smart of him to ignore what I say.
Omar keeps writing on, mainly when I am not online. He finishes his last message, of our first day, by telling me he will tell his family what a great person I am and... I can be his new mom (I can tell you I do not feel flattered by that message at all).
Next day it is “Omar day” again. He asks how I am doing and of course his regards to my family. I tell him it is the middle of the winter up here, no way to heat my house plus we all stay home trying to survive. Again my answer does not ring a bell.
He tells me he is looking for firewood in the forest to sell and had to quit school because he had to make a living. I tell him since his English is quite well he can home study himself doing it with help of the internet.
Omar is clearly not interested in what I say, in educating himself. He is offline as soon as he is not able to answer my questions.
Omar has a plan and probably will succeed. Not with me but for sure with someone else.
At the end of the day I receive a longer message. Suddenly his English is less great. He writes he is 17 years old, is living with his grandmother, his mother recently died in great pain. He has to take care of his younger siblings crying for hunger at night. The government said they are not allowed to look for firewood in the forest so he has no income. He was allowed to clean up the internet cafe and because he did such a great job he was payed in using the internet. This way he was able to look for good people like me.
And this all because of a dream he had at night and with god Jesus his help... so he found me. I am a good person for sure (read: stupid old woman and mother so I will believe his shitty story and send him money by Western Union. Even if that means we have nothing to eat and I am not able to pay my bills.) Of course god will reward me.
As you can read Omar has an answer for everything. He knows how to play it, how to manipulate and abuse the feelings of a woman or mother. But... Omar met the wrong person. I do not buy his story. My heart is not full of love for all the children in this world. I do not care for liars and cheater, people who are too lazy to work and are abusive. I simply can not stand parasites!
I am not waiting for, nor need, a reward from “god Jesus” that badly. Mentioning god up here and finishing his story with an “amen” as well annoys me (he is a muslim for sure and they are allowed to lie since I am not).
I wrote back: Well I hope you will find someone to help you out. I have no income and 5 children myself I can hardly keep alive.
Like to know more about me? Please read my other posts.
My family is not "flattered" by me. They say I am a monster