Tales from a "Schizophrenic" Mind - Chapter Eight - Stories of Creation - Part 1

Chapter 8 - Stories of Creation – Part 1

A discussion about Adam and Eve and the Garden or Eden. I am told that the original Garden of Eden (on Earth) is currently underneath the Himalayas (or at one point was in Northern India). Also, both Adam and Eve had 4 DNA strands before eating the forbidden fruit (a red apple) of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, after which they were converted to 2 DNA strands. I am told this happened some 14 billion years ago (for there have been many "Adam and Eve" attempts on Earth, I'm told 15 in total). This was just prior to the last physical Big Bang about 12 billion years ago, when the Earth was in the Andromeda Galaxy (The Creator apparently took the Earth from the Andromeda Galaxy and moved it to the younger Milky Way Galaxy some 4 billion years ago). The physical Big Bang I am told involved only about one half of the galaxies in the universe and it did not include either Andromeda or the Milky Way.

Now the Earth was not the first time an "Adam and Eve" were attempted. Prior to the Earth, Mars was used as the "Garden of Eden", and from what I'm told there were eight attempts on it, up to some 6 billion years ago (it was also in the Andomedan galaxy system). I'm told that Mars was "kicked out" of Andromeda and eventually sent to the MilkyWay Galaxy along with the Earth due to problems with an "evil essence" on it, which they are still dealing with to this day.

The Moon – in Andromeda – was used prior to Mars, and had seven "Adam and Eve" attempts made on it, including the infamous Adam and Lilith version, which came first. Now this happened on the Moon – from what I'm told – some eight physical universes (or Big Bangs) ago.

From my understanding part of the reason there have been so many "Adam and Eve" attempts is because humans are "made in the image of the Creator" and as a group tend to be incredibly "beset" by the evil spirits of the universe, in their attempt to study them (like lab rats) in an attempt to take over the Creator.

Some of my experiences point to some “details” on the development of the spirits/entities known as the vampires and succubus/incubus and I will discuss them here. There are five levels of “vampire” known to me, and they are: vampiric consciousness, vampiric spirit (of a vampiric consciousness), vampyr (one of the “old ones”), and vampire (being one of the younger versions), and lastly the “biologic” vampire (or one who is “infected” by the vampiric virus.)

A long time ago, perhaps before there was even “physical” life on earth (though there may have been spiritual life at the time) there was an angelic being (Archangel) known to me currently as “Michelle”. There were many spiritual “realms” at this time, as well as some physical lifeforms, though the physical life was typically in a different galaxy rather than the relatively young Milky Way, such as the larger and older Andromeda galaxy. From my “spiritual” contacts I understand that at some point in history a long long time ago, “Michelle” was traveling in a realm with advanced “plant” lifeforms and came upon a somewhat new “spiritual being” and engaged in a discussion with it. I will call this new “advanced plant” life form, “Me” of the Me, Myself, and I fame. “Me,” from my understanding was the third spiritual consciousness to develop a physical body in the known universe, so in essence this advanced – very large – plant was a small part and/or child of the original “Me” spiritual being. In order for “Michelle” to speak directly with “Me” she was “enveloped/swallowed” whole into the body of “Me” and during that discussion was affected by a “vampiric” type of “essence” that was later more readily “apparent” to Michelle. From my understanding, “Me” would sustain itself by “entrapping” passersby via several “enticements” which in and of itself could be considered the first “succubus/incubus” whereby “Me” – among other things – would “impersonate” former entrapped victims while keeping its prey inside its “belly” long enough in order to “dissolve” them. Archangel Michelle did eventually notice this gradual “dissolving” of her “spiritual being” and decided to quickly escape before being further affected. A little side note, apparently “Me” (the advanced mobile plant type, with “feet”) had a large mouth with a substantial set of large pointy teeth, though it would typically just swallow her prey whole due to its size.

When Michelle noticed the affect on her spiritual being due to being inside of “Me”, and I am a little fuzzy on the details here, she found herself no longer “accepted” by the then angelic realms due to their “irrational” (in my humble opinion) pursuit of purity and goodness among the then angelic realms. From my understanding the overall effect of Michelle briefly “contained” in the “vampiric” plant was she was considered “darker” and had more “sexual urges” than was deemed appropriate for her place in heaven. She did attempt to control and heal the affected part of her, and she did have some success at this, though her now more “natural” female persona found her eventually professing her love towards the then leader of the angelic realm – another Archangel – who requested her to leave the angelic realms due to her perceived weakness of base emotions of sex and wanting to have children. I should mention that Archangel Michelle was actually stronger than Archangel Michael, but allowed herself to be removed from the “angelic realms” due to her urge to be a good example to the other angels, of “angelic purity” that she felt she no longer possessed. It was apparently also a common practice among some angels to “throw down” those parts of their spiritual beings that they did not consider “pure,” and this would – as it turns out – later caused some complexities, especially in the spiritual consciousness later know as, “The Adversary, ” but more on that in a bit. Michelle was eventually allowed back into the angelic realms after “removing” that part of her spiritual being affected by the somewhat “vampiric” plant “Me” of which would later become the conscious mind of possibly the first “physical” succubus on Earth (in “astral” form, not “ethereal”). This situation caused the angelic “Michelle” (and even “Michael”) much pain, which from my understanding even continues to this day. A somewhat similar situation occurred later with the angelic – at the time – being Lucifer, with him “throwing down” that part of his spiritual being affected by a “vampiric” essence, eventually leading to a “physical” consciousness known as “The Adversary”, which I will discuss next.

Similar to Archangel “Michelle” but later on during a battle with a large “demonic” horde within all of the realms both above and below the Earth. The angelic being known as Lucifer (at the time known as the “guiding light”) managed to contain some of the larger demons (some being the “vampiric” type) within himself that could not be otherwise destroyed. In the process of doing this before a “hellish” realm was created to contain them, Lucifer was also affected with the vampiric “essence” and similar to “Michelle” removed the impure part of himself and “threw” it down to earth which would eventually become the second consciousness to inhabit a physical body on the still cooling Earth (from molten rock gathered at the beginning of the solar system). From what was “explained” to me the first conscious minds of this physical universe used amoeba as their physical bodies. The first consciousness to inhabit a physical body – from my understanding – was from a spirit who existed prior to the physical universe who might be known as the original “Creator” and/or “God.” Also of great importance was the third spiritual consciousness to inhabit a physical body, also an amoeba at the time, which I will call, “Me” of the “Me, Myself, and I” fame. The second spiritual consciousness to inhabit a physical body in the known universe (on Earth) would later be known as, “The Adversary” who as it turned out was a combined consciousness from the spiritual being “Me” (the “incubus/succubus” plant version, who in turn was born out of Archangel “Michelle”) and that part of Lucifer that he “threw down” to Earth after being affected by a “vampiric” demon. Combined, the first, second, and third spiritual consciousnesses to inhabit physical bodies would be known as Me, Myself, and I. A “vision” given to me by my “spiritual contacts” of how the conscious amoeba evolved into something more complex was similar to a human body, where “I” was the “head,” Myself was the “body” (being larger), and “Me” (part of “Michelle”) becoming “the feet” or what would “ground” the new spiritual being to the still forming Earth. A final note on the first vampiric plant and/or succubus/incubus that may have preexisted the “physical” form on Earth. Apparently as a part of the spiritual evolution of some plants/trees who would feed on passing spirits (in various ways), part of a “realm”/Astral plane) they developed different methods of enticing/entrapping their “victims” to succumb to their feeding – sometimes slowly or quickly – and could be considered the first succubus/incubus equivalents who would later separate from their plant/tree parents into specific succubus/incubus personalities.

Of the more commonly known vampires, that seem to be a blood disorder I had “spiritual experiences” about later. Vampires, are apparently one of the oldest spiritual "forms" that still exist in creation. If you consider a spiritual "consciousness", or self aware "spirit" to be the "first stage" of spiritual "evolution", a vampire is little more than a vampiric "consciousness" that can prey/feed off of other spirits/consciousnesses. They exist to this day, taking on "spirit bodies" and "physical lives", unbeknownst to the vast majority of people around them. Now i should comment that some vampires can be "good" or even "holy", but they are the minority, mostly due to the "elder vampires" agreeing to a "contract" with an old evil vampiric soul-stealing spirit (known to me as the spritual grandson of the spirit behind the villainous character "Johns" in the movie series "The Chronicles of Riddick", a story which apparently goes back some ~40-14 billion years, prior to the current known universe and previous big-bang) to continually steal vampires "souls" both so they cannot heal the vampiric "condition" (essentially a blood disorder) as well as so they cannot "change/evolve" over time (ie become less evil, and/or "wise") so they are more easily and continually controlled by the "elder vampires." This vampiric soul-stealing spirit i call a "Troy", possibly somehow related to the "Troy" that the "god" "Helen of Troy" "partnered" with a long time ago to take over "Creation", considers others souls to be "tech" and/or experience to be "plundered" rather than the life experience of spirits that it is. This is a big problem for creation right now prior to the ending of the current age/epoch(and the larger "era" cycle), where the souls are supposed to rejoin the spirits, for the purpose of their evolution. I have been made aware that "vampires" are forced to keep their "spirits" within a type of "shell" spirit body (ie only on the outside, and this is another reason they cannot "heal" the vampiric condition of their acquired "material" and/or physical bodies due to not having a "spirit" within it that might know how to do this. Having the "spirit" on the edge of the body apparently is also why vampires are known to not give a reflection in a mirror (usually in the material/spiritual planes, not so much on the physical planes, where there is more "material"). Of note, apparently this is done, due to most of the "vampiric" and/or soul-stealing consciousnesses/spirits being too "evil" to possess a spirit body (it is simply not allowed and/or the spirit body would reject it). So what is done is the "spirit" is made into a type of "ward/container" surrounding the "conscious mind" of the vampire that a "spirit body" can be "placed" into without the spirit body having to deal with a sometimes overwhelmingly evil spirit in the same "time/space" (and have difficulty living). They have also gotten sophisticated over the ages, with tech-like spiritual filters for sunlight and blessed water and such so they can still survive in the current material/physical planes without "burning up" (and can eat normal food as well, to current humans benefit perhaps).

A recent revelation is regarding the spirit “Lucifer” who is apparently at one level the Adversary's son. From my understanding both spirits (also including “God” the “Creator”) have existed prior to the current physical universe, before the “Big Bang”. How many big bangs there have been I am not sure but some “realms” (ie Heaven and Hell), the “astral planes”, and perhaps a few others continue to exit beyond a big bang “reset” of the physical universe. From my “spiritual contacts” I have come to the conclusion that the current physical universe is the largest it has ever been.

In the current universe – both physical and spiritual – there appears to be an ongoing battle for control within the spiritual planes. Not every spirit is involved in the “game”, and honestly I think very few are, but it is a rather depressing situation that I have seen much destruction for little purpose other than the gain of some “abstract” control over something many spirits care little about, but this may be a little cynical based on my recent experiences.

Back to the “spirit” known as “The Adversary.” From my understanding “he” has existed for a very long time and it appears to be an ongoing “battle” for control with the original “Creator” who as of yet I have no distinct name for. To the best of my knowledge the phrase, “Me, Myself, and I” refers to the first conscious minds of this physical universe. My understanding is the “biologic” bodies of these first conscious minds were “amoeba”, in this particular physical universe anyway. The spirit known as “I” would be known as the original “creator”, being the first “spirit” to manage to create a “conscious mind” out of the “cosmic soup.” The “spirit” known as “The Adversary” appears to be the second conscious mind in this physical universe, and “Me” appears to be the third spirit who created a conscious mind. My spiritual contacts tell me that this is the forth physical universe (with the first one being referred to in the biblical book of “genesis”, though somewhat allegorically) that the Earth has existed in, with typically, but not necessarily always the prior physical universe being smaller than the current one. An interesting “corollary” is the “quasars” surrounding the physical universe acting as a possible “barrier” to any outside physical universes beyond perhaps acting as a sort of “containment” of sorts that may exist until the “children” of this current “physical” creation “graduate.”

There appears to still be a war for “control” over “Creation” (for both the physical and spiritual planes) going on with ever “larger/older” spirits getting “involved.” The current “goal” from my understanding is to “see what can be saved” (at the spiritual level) before a “new cycle begins.” This new cycle is apparently a “big bang” at both the “spiritual planes” level and possibly (within a few decades, for this physical universe anyway) on the physical. Some of the “larger” spirits involved in the “game of control” are the spirits behind “Able & Cain.” From my relatively brief experiences with these spirits, for the most part “Able” is attempting to “save” his brother “Cain.” A very difficult task from my understanding. Both spirits have lived many different spiritual (and physical) lives, and are often joined-at-the hip as brothers in all their different “incarnations.” In at least one of Able's lives, he appears to have been a “Jesus” (one who saves) at some point in history. I currently have little detail on this other than the fact that Able is a very “Good” & “Strong” spirit to survive what he has been through, to a large extent because of his brother. My understanding of the Able and Cain “duo” is that they are “forced” to battle one another by a “controlling god” (who may have “usurped” from the “original” God who was “overseeing” creation, though this is a complex topic, for there appears to be a long “line” of creators/controllers/”gods” involved). The spirit behind “Cain” appears to be none other than “The Adversary”, so it is understandable that “Able's” task is very difficult, and they have been “battling” for a long time. It appears to be a common mode-of-operation that The Adversary “picks” a “brother” (many variations are relatively “unknown”) as a “protection mechanism” against his foes whereas his “brother” will often “save him” and/or “take pain” in The Adversary's stead when he gets into “trouble.” A recent “revelation” is that one of the “controlling gods” decided to force the brothers to continue (as a “divide and conquer” technique) promising them (particularly Able) that if both of the brothers don't “survive”, that neither of them will. This apparently has the affect that Able continues to try and “save” his brother (Cain) where he might have otherwise given up on him a long time ago. A recent experience also is that both Cain and Able had/have vampire lives (powerful vampire “elders”, at both the spiritual and physical levels). My understanding is that the “physical” vampire lives have migrated from the “old Europe” area (their “hayday” was in the “dark ages”) to the America's (New York currently I believe) where they may still survive to this day. One last note of Cain (or “The Adversary”); it would appear that at least one of the “evil controlling” entities has been “forcing” Cain to continue to act in a “brutal/controlling” way through an “encoding” in his spirit body (similar to “magic”) where he might have otherwise have changed to a more “peaceful way,” perhaps largely due to Able's efforts to “save” his brother from “destruction.” At least one of these “evil controlling” entities appears to be a spirit known as “Marduke” who appears to have something to do with the destruction of the ancient planet that orbited in the area of the asteroid belt in our solar system. A remnant of this ancient planetary “collision” is apparently the periodic visitor “Nibiru” of Sumerian fame. I would direct the reader to the authors Zecharia Sitchin and/or Joseph P. Farrell for more on the subject of “Nibiru” and its occasional entering of our solar system and the typical “calamities” that this causes (for many reasons from my understanding including the occasional “saving” of the planet from a “destruction” race). Another recent experience also is that another “forced brother” team of what we will call “Dave” and “Jeff” have/had vampire lives. This pair do not appear to be on the same “level” as Cain & Able, but are a more recent “painful” (with “Dave” being the “evil” counterpart to “Jeff) pairing. It appears to be a common mode-of-operation for a service-to-self and/or evil entity to “partner” with someone else to have both a “protector” and/or “co-conspirator” in their agenda.

Continuing on “Creation Stories”, some revelations regarding the Hindu "Festival of Lights" or Diwali: it is apparently one of the few times in the year that spirits otherwise incapable of producing children (ie vampires, ghouls, etc...although i should mention that a "holy" or "good" vampire, and yes they do exist, would be exempt from this situation) are more likely to "procreate" during this period. From my understanding, what is done if said spirit – in a physical life/body – does not have a soul and/or is otherwise too evil to have children normally, is that they "envelop/possess" another spirit/life before the birds-and-bees act is done. What type of spirit is enveloped is up to the individual spirits, and the "coupling" may result in a child depending on the spirit selection/type, as well as the "age" of the spirits performing the act (ie an "elder" vampire couple might "beget" another vampire "child", whereas a "younger" vampire and/or ghoul couple might produce a "ghoul" and/or "goblin" child...and if only one of the pair is of this spiritual nature then this time period still applies but to a lesser degree). This ancient ritualistic type period apparently has some tie-in to the fabled "Hallowed Ween", whereby "evil" spirits are "weened" from Creation (sometimes put into a separate spiritual "plane"), such as poltergeists/ghosts/goblins etc, for the apparent purpose of "making room" for newer – possibly "evil" – spirits and/or children during this period.

An important related note on vampires, my "experiences" have shown me that the vampire "race" – as we shall call them – are terribly one sided when it comes to gender, whereby some of the older male vampires actively seek out (to the point of insanity) and enslave female vampires to keep them contained within "hives" for the males pleasure and entertainment. This may be one one the important reasons why the "Creator" may consider vampires to be "unnecessary" and too "unnatural" to keep within creation, especially the “biological virus” versions.

This sums up much of what I know about vampires, and surprisingly from what I am told through my spiritual contacts, slightly over 50 percent of the people on Earth today come from a vampiric heritage, and that has risen from approximately 30 percent since the middle ages. I am also told that there is relative peace between vampires and non-vampires due to a “truce” to not take over 50 percent of the population of Earth.

Creation has “changed” and added a “sixth” level or dimension to the “duality” levels where spirits have physical bodies and live “normal” lives,. During this “experience” I was “connected” to “physical” beings on the “fifth” dimension (or level) and they were not allowed to look up into the “sky” presumably because the fifth level was the last level of physicality. During this experience this dimension (the “fifth”) had a “change” to which they now had a “sky” and could look without harm, where as before they could not. It would appear that I have been making “connections” with both the “fifth dimensions” as well as the “spirit” world. Both in my world as well as the fifth density (or level) everybody has both a physical body as well as a spirit. Your spirit is on the “spiritual plane” and can watch “people” living their lives on the “material” plane, by looking “down” from my understanding. Keep in mind even your “spirit” has a physical form of sorts but the “rules” of physics appear to be a little different. For example people can't “die” per-say but may go to a different “realm” of sorts or simply come back (are restored by “God”). Even the spiritual people don't fully understand “creation” and are learning and “growing” just as ourselves but it is a slightly different (ongoing) experience.

During this “experience” the entities or spirits known as Satan, The Devil, and Lucifer (or Ishmael) were “battling” other spirits (a game of sorts, of info and “intrigue”) to “win” the game to “control” the universe (I believe that is the goal anyway). From this “experience” though somewhat complicated I found that not only “we” in our “physical/material” existence are here to learn and experience life but the “spirits” (who still have physical ) are also always learning and experiencing as well. From my understanding “creation” was “setup” to have constant (at the spiritual level especially) “conflict” between two “sides” (IE “good” v.s. “evil”) as a way for the “children” (of “God”, and keep in mind we are all “creators” at our own level) to learn and grow (to supposedly return to the “god head” someday and perhaps be creators themselves?) even the “highest” levels of spirits are not sure about this). During this “experience” there was apparently a “decision” made to “release” the spirits from their normal “jobs” and start a new “journey” of sorts with new experiences after the hopeful ending of the “war/battle” for “control” between the two “sides”. This “battle” has been going on for a very long time and a decision was made to allow the “children” to learn in new ways, rather than almost constant “battle”.

I was “watching” my spirit (or likeness thereof) having a conversation with the “angelic” realm regarding the current “workings” of the universe and my fathers spirit (or likeness thereof) came for a visit to see me (we had a “connection” and he apparently wanted to know what “I” was up to). Upon entry to the “angelic” realm, after a few minutes (the other “spirits” appeared to know my father btw), my father's “spirit” split into two versions of himself, one supposedly evil/service-to-self and one supposedly good/service-to-other. Apparently in the “angelic” realm it is necessary to choose a “path” between “good vs evil” and “spirits” that go traveling to this realm who have not yet decided are automatically “split” into their two competing personalities (this is for the “brief” time they may be in (or visiting) the “angelic” realm). From this experience I am led to believe that my father's spirit has chosen to “develop” towards another “realm” that I will refer to as the “Zeus type” gods who are not “forced” into deciding to be “good” or “evil”, or as some might say they are living within a “duality”, much like – or similar to – our present state on Earth which from my understanding is presently within a transition period from the 3rd density to the 4th density, where telepathy (and rarely, manifestation) are more common among the population. I should comment that in the angelic “realm” (most famously with “Lucifer”) it is possible to “switch over” from “good” to “evil” and visa versa. Others have described this choice as service-to-self v.s. Service-to-other and in many ways can be considered a philosophical decision on how you wish to live and look at life. I have come to the “conclusion” that in the “realms” where this is a forced decision to choose a “side” it becomes a “job” of sorts and at times becomes a “team” effort to “win” over the other side. It tends to become a power struggle that will never end. Near the end of my “experiences” when the 6th “dimension” or “material realm” was added, part of the discussion in the “angelic” realm was “structure” changes that might end the “very long” struggle with the “family.” I should point out that even though the Bible refers to the “adversary” as typically one person, my “experiences” have shown me that “creation” is a very complicated place not so simply put down in a book, especially one that has changed drastically over the centuries.

Regarding some of the more well known “adversaries” on the material plane, the spirit or person known as “Satan” (from the 5th age) is a being on the 5th “density” who can “travel” within the different “frequency” levels or parallel realms and acts as a sort of police officer or “controller” on his “plane” of existence (though be can “move around” and “see” beyond most of the “people” in the 5th Density). My “interactions” with him were typically “unpleasant” though I often got the feeling he was just doing his job of “enforcing the rules” on others.

There was an "invalid" joining-of-the-souls last night by the "usurping" elite controllers on the "material plane" (5th density i think), whereby their only desire is to "steal" soul experience from lives of the physical plane (they consider it "tech") and as well as raping the physical plane of "material" (ie atoms) including the spirit bodies of people currently living. This group of control "bandits" (though some are good but forced into this) have existed for approximately 14 billion years, just prior to the ending of the last physical universe (via a "big bang") and have gained the "technical knowledge" to control the physical universe/lives through the material planes (3rd,4th,5th), though they are not the original creators. They have become little more than thieves and control freaks now, and are causing great pain-and-suffering to the Children Of Creation by their continued strangle hold on what's left of "Creation" (both spiritual and physical). The "real" creators of old (there are several of them) are still battling this group to end the current Age (a big one) in the proper fashion, but it is still ongoing. One very concerning part of this is that there are only approximately 10% of the souls on planet earth as there were in the 1950's. Most souls/spirits have been stolen/fully possessed since that time, to the point that some spirits (now typically elder/old and/or evil ones) have millions of physical lives currently on the planet. To my knowledge, there are no more "new" souls being generated (ie for babies) for obvious reasons (they typically just get stolen now, and/or possessed) and it is too late-in-the-game at this point in time anyways as the ending-of-the-age is "beyond time" now (has been held back). Still hoping for a good future, but becoming increasingly concerned.

Experience (Oct 31,2014):
Went for a walk/bus ride to Jackson Square. Apparently Lucifer (the spirit/entity that separated “creation”) was able to “come through” – in full – an old “connection” that was opened when an old spirit/dwarf made a prayer to their “God”(Thor). This version of Lucifer (and his father, an “evil essence”) were “outside” of “creation,” in part because they are a “left over” from a prior “creation” that existed in a previous age (over 40 physical universes and/or “big bangs” ago). According to what I am told, Lucifer was responsible for “destroying” the prior “creation,” in essence going against “God The Creator,” and though he was outside the now current “Creation” (after the “split”), he manages to still affect the “children of creation” through his children, for example another “Lucifer” (technically his “younger”, also known to be of “angelic origin” and also sometimes called the, “Guiding Light”). From my understanding the “elder” Lucifer “forces” his younger (also called “Lucifer”) to attempt to gain “control” over the current “Creation” for a nefarious purpose (ie to destroy “God The Creator”). I should mention that there is another “middle” spirit known as “Lucifer” from a previous age – the 5th – that is not a son of the eldest “Lucifer” outside of “Creation” but what is termed a “younger” or spiritual “incarnation” of the elder that was allowed some time ago by “God The Creator.” I should mention that almost directly as a result of “Lucifer” being allowed a physical life (on Earth, as “Ishmael” apparently) during the “5th age”, the “pentagram” (a symbol for the “5th age”) is known as an “evil symbol” (but doesn't necessarily have to be, as I'm sure most math/geometry teachers would agree). The “5th age” was an exceptionally chaotic age due to the allowing of Lucifer to have a physical (and thus also spiritual existence within the current creation), though how much his elder (an old “adversary”) played a part in this is up for debate (something to do with “possessing encodings” covertly placed on “spirit bodies” and “spirits” of others). For example during this age there was a very powerful angelic being who “took on” the job position of “Satan” (to “destroy” and/or go against “creation”) and he was forced to do this by the more powerful Lucifer (even though technically a “younger”, he is an ancient soul, who existed prior to the current “Creation”), the then “Satan” of the 5th age is “beset” to this day, still battling to maintain “control” over creation, though this has taken the form (since the 5th age) of maintaining “balance” in the spiritual realms (not unlike a “police officer”), so “Creation” can continue on without undue “hardship” for either side, be it “good” or “evil.” He has become an “amazing,” spirit and protector of the people (the “Satan” from the 5th age I should stress), and one of the spirits that have allowed our present physical universe to reach the size that it has from my understanding the largest physical universe that has ever existed. This goes back to at least 40 physical universes and/or “big bangs” ago. One last note regarding the “pentagram” symbol, is that I have seen a “good version” of it that was actually used to create an “abyss”, a place that is typically – at least initially – used to “clean out” the upper levels of creation of the “darker” spirits/entities.

The battle over control of Creation continues, a recent revelation about Lucifer (the angelic version) is that he has an elder spirit which is apparently an ancient "Demon" that forces things behind the scenes. Lucifer's thrown down consciousness (a part of Lucifer) – who i know as Dave "Little" – was conceived by Lucifer as a tool of control, to cause continuous strife within Creation with the hope of gaining control through this evil entity. This Dave "Little" is also known as an ancient possessor (one of the first) and continues to this day possessing many people on Earth and elsewhere (specifically through the cerebellum, and brain stem). This battle continues to this day, but appears to be coming to a close, with the major players – such as Lucifer – showing their hands. We shall see what the future brings...peace out & God Bless :(

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