Tales from a "Schizophrenic" Mind - Chapter Seven - Living in Two Worlds at Once

Chapter 7 - Living in Two Worlds at Once

Later in life upon researching my “experience” I found many examples of people explaining similar difficulties in being “incarnated” in this world as it is quite “painful” to those spirits who are no longer used to such things. Some might refer to these “spirits” or souls as “star children.”

Our journey today, started out with me waking up to a "possessed body" (having another spirit's "ID") that was changed while I was sleeping. This was apparently due to some confusion among some "elder" spirits attempting to "depossess" me and the nastier spirits trying to stop their efforts of performing a "good work." Apparently I have some spirits "inhabiting" some of my nerve endings, as well as some that follow me around in the same "time/space", with some of them being "hard coded" (similar to "piggybacking" another person/spirit, although typically on the "inside" of the spirit body, where each "spirit" has their own "frequency ID"). This was slightly discouraging to me, and though I think my spirit body "ID" was fixed later that morning (I was "told" it was), I'm not sure it didn't affect my day, as today I ended up being fired from my new job working in a call center on the 3rd day of training with the only reason given as, "It's not working out." I've been slightly distracted with spiritual "battles" of late, so the trainer might have noticed this, and the trainer/HR Dept apparently have something against an employee talking about "religious" experiences, so they let me go...at any rate, life goes on ;)

Over the last couple weeks: The Battle over spiritual creation is ongoing, and the players are getting bigger as the "old ones" come out to play. Presently the "pole-shift" on Mother Earth is still due but as since the 1950's it is still being blocked by the evil-controlling-spirits (ECS). I am told that the present "status" of Mother Earth's "Health" is "Code Blue" (some type of medical reference of beyond Code Red, and I also think has something to due with a world-wide "freezing" coming up...which could have been avoided if "we" had been allowed to pole-shift as Mother Nature demands of our planet currently). At present the North American tectonic plate is being held in place from a large (ie New Madrid fault line) earthquake (via very large spirits in the astral/material planes, using "spiritual physics" if you like) with the intent of making the immediate moment of the SHIFT (due to the "INVADING" planet Nibiru in our inner solar system that the EVIL "Elite" won't tell us about) so dramatic and powerful that it may have a chance of destroying our planet (ie it explodes due to the energy built up at it's center...something to do with "magnetons" and "spiritual energy" and such). This cosmic agenda to control and/or destroy a physical planet (by the spirits) has apparently been played out for Trillions of Years (beyond the present physical universe) from what is known as the 2nd "physical universe" (which is actually a very old astral/material spiritual plane that managed to "STEAL” material resources from the physical plane (where we are now) through what I know as a "material transfer" between planes (basically the planes are too close and a spirit that knows how can "interact" with it and can steal material (among other things)). The purpose of this "cosmic" planetary agenda I am told is one: to "harvest" genetic knowledge and/or resources (ie think "Noah's Ark”) and two: the more simple THEFT of material resources (ie rare elements/minerals in the Universe) that were at some point generated in a Star (such as Gold, Copper, Iron, etc...though some "minerals" from what i am told are only created in the largest stars, and Mother Earth is one of the ONLY planets in the UNIVERSE where the extremely valuable elements Copper and Silver – and somewhat Gold – can be found. These ECS's are GUNHO on collecting this material wealth from Mother Earth both via physical transfer to the INVADING planet Nibiru as well as spiritual Material Transfers to other spiritual planes, which is apparently easier when the planet Nibiru is within the vicinity of Earth). Also, a relatively new "player" has shown in the last couple days known as the "Horror of Horus" (apparently the Father of the Egyptian "god" known as "Horus") who still exists (at least in spirit, but is trying to "invade" Earth) on a planet i know as "Darkstar" within the "solar system" of our binary twin star (a "dark star" believe it or not, perhaps a "carbon star" though how this works physically i'm not sure...something about "burning" evil). This "Story" continues to play out, and I am reluctant to say on how much i've lost in not writing down my "spiritual experiences" as they come to me, but one last thing i will mention is that we are presently in what is known as a "Bloody Christmas" that started sometime late November and/or Early December (basically because a bunch of "spiritual grinches" managed to "Steal Christmas"). From my understanding this "Bloody Christmas" continues all this year – continuing to "escalate" – until this "spiritual battle" is resolved. If this "cosmic" situation is not resolved by ~December 25 2015 I understand some "Auto Encodings" will enable, but what this means I am not yet sure. That's all for now...peace out & God Bless :)

Woke up from a "dream" (more like a dream "realm" where i was "connected" to someone in the "real") early this morning. The location was the old Stelco plant (now Defasco?) in the building called the "foundry", with some "under cover" police officers (i was somehow spiritual connected to one of them around 5 miles away) doing a "sting" operation on some "mob" members. Apparently the "mob" likes steel for some reason. It looks like the "under cover" officers got caught in the early morning and there was a "fight/flight" of sorts from the mob "hangout", with some possible injuries on the officers side (hope they mend ok). I experienced some of the officers "hiding" in "coke" (black soot) piles to attempt to avoid being caught by mob members, and there was some concern about suffocation. My understanding spiritually for the "sting" was to find out what was being done at the "foundry plant" and from what was found out was stolen "spirit bodies" are "remolded" there so-as others can "wear" them (they are "re-keyed" for another spirit). This is actually quite a large operation from a spiritual perspective of would-be spirit "thieves" for an agenda of control and domination of the spiritual world/realms. If you think of a spirit as a "ghost", it is quite a different matter to attach that "spirit/ghost" to a "material" (although still "ghost like", but more likely to be seen) "spirit body" that can have a getter effect on the physical/real world planes. ...a somewhat frightening/concerning wake-up for this morning. It was especially concerning some of the "power" (spiritually) some of the mob member have (dabbling in the esoteric for some time i suspect), and that some of the police officers are in fact doing a dual-role in playing both sides (both police and mob members :( ...anyways, that was the spiritual "excitement" for this morning...peace out & God Bless :)

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