Tales from a "Schizophrenic" Mind - Chapter Three - What is meant by Conspiracy?

Chapter Three - What is meant by Conspiracy?

Webster's New World Dictionary refers to a conspiracy as a conspiring group, and it continues to define conspire as to: plan together secretly, especially to commit a crime. As a conspiracy by definition is a secret, proving it – the group – exists is not always easy. A well known radio host, Alex Jones, and his show based in Austin, Texas comes to mind. From my understanding Alex has been “raging against the machine” through his radio show for some 20 years now and has quite a following globally. Another mentionable is British author David Icke and his many books and lectures on the topic of a global conspiracy. David Icke goes further than Alex “down the rabbit hole” as David delves into spiritual topics, whereas Alex Jones tends to remain firmly on Terra Ferma (though I'm told that's actually another planet on the Astral Plane). There are many authors who concentrate on this subject, including a well known Texas Republican, Ron Paul, and his books on the Federal Reserve and defending liberty in general. I will also mention author Jim Marrs and his books on this topic, such as The Forth Reich, and for the conspiracy about the public school system I would suggest the book, “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”, by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. There is everything from general geopolitics to the esoteric topic of exopolitics to delve into if a reader wishes. This book will concentrate on my “spiritual experiences” as such, but I just wish to point out that “conspiracy's” can and do exist, and are not something to be ignored.

I have to mention one of my biggest pet peeves, is people who use debit/credit cards to pay for their items at the cashier. Don't they realize just how evil a cashless society is? Where every transaction can be traced to the individual, their location, and to the minute. It is even talked about in the Book of Revelation, where everyone gets the “Mark of the Beast” (or your global ID). The global elite are chomping-at-the-bit to get a cashless society – where they are in control – implemented, and by using your debit/credit cards you are helping them! Please stop using debit/credit cards at the cash register! Carry some cash around with you for purchases!

If anyone has read the Bible, and/or the Book of Mormon, they will fairly quickly discover that it has long been a topic of discussion of whether God (and his spiritual world) exists or not. Satan apparently delights in this, being the “social engineer” that he is. In the Book of Mormon, a conspiracy is called a “secret combination” and is mentioned throughout the book when dealing with nefarious people and their secret meetings and oaths. So as the movie The Wizard of Oz teaches us, we must always “look behind the curtain” to root out evil where it exists.

I will touch on this topic briefly, as I know very little of the councils other than they exist. The “World Council”, is mentioned by an extraterrestrial contactee, Nancy Lieder, in her dealings with the Zeta's (or grey aliens). I will refrain from discussing the Zeta's much due to the fact that they can not be trusted (they are after our planet, and it's resources, including us). From my understanding there are three councils that exist in both the physical and spiritual planes, they are: the World Council, the Galaxy Council, and the Universe Council. It would appear that the Universe Council (the highest level) has elected to attempt a “take over” of The Creator on Earth, and are directing the World Council according to this agenda. There are apparently rules that govern worlds, as far as “non-interference” by extraterrestrials, but from my understanding many of these rules are being “overlooked” due to the control agenda on Earth. There is also an additional council worth mentioning, and it is the Council of 100. This council consists of 100 “creators” (in the astral plane, not the physical plane), and they have apparently been “contracted” to help with the taking over of The Creator on Earth, or at minimum to stand down from their creation “duties.” This “contract” was apparently signed with the spirit/entity I know as, “The Pretender”, who is an extremely evil (but tricky) being. From my understanding he got this name by “pretending” to be Jesus, and fool spirits into following him.

Regarding the “Universe Council”, I will mention that there are indeed multiple universes out there (45 I am told), including universes now “owned” and controlled by “The Adversary”, and “Satan” who are using them as a base to attack “The Creator” in our own universe. Our universe I am told is the largest – by far – universe out there and is where the “Prime Consciousness” is presently residing (tasked with “creation” type duties by The Creator). Except for a couple minor universes, our universe is the youngest universe in creation, with the older “attempts” at creating “life” still existing out there (mostly “dark matter” universes I am told). I am also told that of the 45 universes out there, 40 were created by the “Prime Consciousness.” Our present universe, being the latest attempt by The Creator and the “Prime Consciousness” at establishing “a family” of “children”, is presently (and almost always) beset by the evil monsters/spirits of creation, including: The Adversary, Satan, The Pretender, The Evil One, and The Devil, plus a few other mentionables. I am told that a “Big Bang” is coming in our future, that will include all galaxies in our universe, later to be followed by a larger “Big Bang” that will include most of the surrounding universes. This is – from what I'm told – largely due to the evil spirits in creation “winning” the “war of control” over the children to the point that the Creator just wants to start over, using what material has been built up over the eons. From my understanding, part of the reason The Creator “puts up with” the evil in the universe is because it has been a “race” to build the largest universe (with it's physical material) possible, and now that we have that universe – albeit boiling over with evil spirits – it's time to start something “new.”

An interesting occult movie I came across is, “Immortal”, by Enki Bilal (2004). The movie contains many spiritual “truths” (though a bit on the dark side) on how an evil spirit might operate in todays world (taking over a human to have a child, DNA manipulation of the human population, etc). It is an interesting study for those who wish to delve into this topic. The director/writer has an interesting first name as well, Enki, of ancient Sumerian fame, and I do believe he is a reincarnated spirit from those times.

Coming back to Earth now, one of my favorite quotes from Thomas Jefferson regarding big government, "I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education." Another from Thomas, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." --Thomas Jefferson to Charles Yancey, 1816, is almost like poetry to my ears. We of course must learn from history, less we repeat our errors, and it appears that we are indeed doing just so, as the vast majority of people are too busy with their daily lives to take any interest in politics, whether locally or globally. Obligatory quote: "One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors" ~ Plato.

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