Tales from a "Schizophrenic" Mind - Chapter Two - To be Agnostic or Atheist, but not a Believer?

Chapter Two - To be Agnostic or Atheist, but not a Believer?

A long long time ago, there was an ancient spirit who called himself "Good" (just a name, he could have called himself Ugg, and he'd been the same person he is). There was also an ancient spirit called "Evil" (again just a name), and some very evil monsters (the very ones who destroyed the "Garden of Eden", on Earth's moon) talked him into going against Good, for control of Creation. This battle continues to this day (nearing it's end i think though). Sometime between then and now, there was a spirit who decided to call himself God (Good misspelt) and place himself just beneath Good in the "Echelon/hierarchy" of Creation. This "God" was actually more "evil" than Evil himself, but he found himself where he was in the heavens none-the-less. This is the God of the Old Testament, and the one that appeared before Moses in the “burning bush.” I am told that the bush was burning, due to God using his “demon form” to speak to Moses. And this is the very same God who liked to have cattle sacrificed in his name I might add. I would argue our “burning bush” God has little interest in the human population other than controlling it to feed his appetite. A very different God than the one described by Jesus in the New Testament. Regardless, the battle over creation, which continues to this day, I would argue explains much of our world today.

A long time after this, when the Greek gods were established in their “Pantheon” there was a very brave and good god who decided to go his own way. He was the son of a very powerful god, who was directly under our old evil God and assigned the task of taking over creation from Good, or Good's “elder” I should say. His father was called “The Man” and thus his son (our brave and good god) is known as the “Son of Man.” From my understanding this “Son of Man” is mentioned in the Bible a few times, but at this point in the Bible the separate “Gods” mentioned are treated as the one God the Creator.

One of my favorite quotes is, “Creation is more complex than the human mind is meant to deal with”, and I suspect any fellow “schizophrenic” patient would agree to this. As the Bible is a greatly reworked document over the centuries, it tends to lump different “gods” and “adversaries” as one spirit, but this is not actually the case. There are many good gods, as well as many evil ones, but it is true that the God of Heaven is a “jealous” God, and perhaps to make things simpler for us humans, commanded that no other gods would be worshiped (or even talked about) other than himself. I should say that “heaven” is one of many realms in Creation (though a very good one), and not the only choice for spirits after their life is done in the physical plane. Even the Buddhists have their own realm of “Bliss” to go to at the end of their physical life (though I don't know the “rules” of how to get there). It becomes even more confusing when you include the “youngers” of a said spirit. For example I am aware of three “levels” of the God of Heaven, and have come across physical lives of the second and third level of Him during my own physical life. He likes to go by the name “George” by-the-way, though I don't think George Burns was a version of Him. The noteworthy song, “What if God was one of us, just a stranger on a bus,” actually has some truth to it. I should define a “younger” spirit, as a former “physical life” which chose to remain “separate” rather than “rejoining” the elder spirit at the end of his/her physical life.

As we know God and his son Jesus like to save those souls “worthy” of being saved to live with the Father and Son, in their own creation they call Heaven. They provide a very necessary task in taking those good souls who have lived their lives on Earth up to a safe place where they are protected from a sometimes very evil universe. If this was not done, I would argue (and so might they) that many good souls would be lost to the evil spirits of creation, who go about preying (and in some cases consuming) the good spirits of creation. God apparently does this collecting-of-souls normally every 4,000 years or so, but more recently have made the exception that every 2,000 years a “batch” of good souls may be collected. This speeding up of “the rapture” is – from what I'm told – largely due to the fact that evil has been gaining ground over good, and many good souls might be lost if they are not collected sooner.

Now most people reading the above story of “Gods” might say, “well that is interesting, but how do I know it is true,” for after all it is just a story. Well, I am here to say that this is my experience in communicating with the spirits, and although I may only have small pieces of the puzzle, they are very real and hence true to me. Most people might say, “well ok, it is fine for you to believe it, but it can't be proved,” to which I will agree because it is my personal experience of spiritual phenomena on a different plane of existence. I suppose you could talk with many “experiencers” of spiritual phenomena in an attempt to get a consensus in order to “prove” what I say is true, but as we have earlier covered, this is just not done.

Now I would argue that the majority of sensible people out there would incline to be of the agnostic thinking, whereby you cannot prove or disprove that “God” exists, so they just might put-it-to-the-side until perhaps they have their own “spiritual experience.” Then we have the atheists, indeed attempting to prove that “God” does not indeed exist, and I am truly “nuts.” They attempt this with all kinds of false logic, but when it comes down to it, they can't even prove to me that they exist, for as Rene Descartes so eloquently put it, a priori, all I can prove is that I exist.

The Bible (and other religious books) as a tool of Good or Evil? It all comes back to the phrase, “history is written by the winner.” My understanding is that if it was not for the work of Martin Luther, we wouldn't have access to the Bible that we do today. He did a great undertaking in making sure the Bible was able to reach the masses, rather than the exclusive library of your local clergyman. My take: the Bible is a “good book”, but a greatly summarized story of creation that has been overly “reworked” over the centuries, to the point that it now needs to be rewritten by some hopefully good “prophets” and/or people of “experience.” I would point the reader to the book, “Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why”, by Bart D. Ehrman for more along this topic.

I should say again that the medical community sees these “experiences” as a “disease” to be “treated” and stamped out of existence, but I – and many others I suspect – see them for what they are, a brief glimpse of what is “beyond” the physical/material life existence, which in some cases may be a gift from God, which is what I will choose to believe. As the Christians like to say, you have to have “faith”, but in some cases “faith” is just not enough, and this is where “experience” at a spiritual level comes into play, which is very likely the reason the elitist/controlling aristocrats “inspired” the current medical/mental “health” community in order to “stamp out” this greatly needed “experience” of what may be called the “Great Beyond” apart from the relatively simple material life existence we are accustomed to.

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