The 'Inner Revolution' Series: Deluge Of Chemical Pollutants Is Annihilating Us | #1

You know, if we understand one question rightly, all questions are answered. But we don't know how to ask the right question. To ask the right question demands a great deal of intelligence and sensitivity. Here is a question, a fundamental question: is life a torture?. (J Krishnamurti)

Spermageddon: Is the revelation that male fertility rates have  plunged by 60% Mother Earth's way of giving us a stark choice - mend  your ways or face extinction?

  • Scientists have warned that sperm counts have more than halved over 40 years
  • It is the most robust evidence to date of an unfolding disaster
  • Results suggest that the pollutants that fill our world are steadily annihilating us 

 The report concluded that ‘semen quality is a strong biomarker of general health’.Scientists  have not conclusively identified all the factors that are imperiling  sperm counts and human health in general. But the evidence points to an  alarming overall conclusion: that the pollutants that fill our world are  steadily annihilating us.One of the  major culprits appears to be a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA), which  is widely used in plastic wrappers and containers.

 Worse still, the damaging effect of BPA on sperm counts is aggravated by another problem: obesity

 BPA, which behaves in a similar way to the  female hormone oestrogen, can leach into food and liquids, and is also  present as dust in the air we breathe. Numerous laboratory studies have  shown it is toxic to human sperm and especially damaging to the  formation of new sperm cells.It is of  far more significance than traces of oestrogen — derived from the  contraceptive pill — which have been found in drinking water supplies  and which some scientists argue are a factor in falling sperm counts.Plastics  are a huge problem — but who can live free of them nowadays? They are  ubiquitous. Manufacturers have begun to introduce alternatives to BPA,  but early studies suggest they could be just as harmful.Worse  still, the damaging effect of BPA on sperm counts is aggravated by  another problem: obesity. It seems the chemical reacts with acids in  body fat to interfere with semen production.

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LET'S CONNECT A THE DOTS:  Chemical industry + social engineering + ignorance of the cosmic natural law = triple whammy!  

With a chemical imbalance (caused by pollutants) it is just a cake walk to convince kids and teenagers that gender fluidity is ok, when additionally males and females have a right/female and left/male brain hemispheres.  ^Gender confusion^ seems to be on its path to become the next social model for humans. 

The whole picture comes together now, doesn't it? 

Somebody who doesn't know that the holistic brain is a brain that uses its both hemispheres EVENLY will not see a thing and lack critical thinking then unable to resist any social conditioning. This brings us back to the 1st Cosmic Natural Law or Principle: Mentalism, everything starts with a Thought Process.  

Psychiatry On Its Death Bed: How 800 children as young as 10 have been given sex change drugs

IMPORTANT QUESTION: who is going to be held accountable now for genetically mutating the human species??? 

As we now can see the discovery of plastic was extremely short sighted, the so-called scientists having blind faith in scientism (doomed left brain logic) are about to lead mankind ashtray if we do not realize the impasse we are in -- and fast! But plastic became irresistibly successful because it was more PROFITABLE.  We are destroying the Amazon rain forest and the ocean beds for the same reason: profits. Two more examples, but there are so many out there. And this blog will attempt to prove this rationally, one post at the time. So please feel free to follow!

Going money-free is the only solution we have left to end all conflicts of interest and put science at the service of Mankind.  Go to our website  and get more familiar with the issues and understand how harmful monetarism truly is! 

Synthetic female hormones causing mass feminization of men, warns scientists 

(November 11, 2014)  (NaturalNews) Estrogen-mimicking chemicals in plastics, industrial  products and soy-based foods may be "feminizing" men and driving  increases in male obesity rates, according to a study conducted by  researchers from the University of Adelaide, South Australia, and  published in the journal PLOS ONE. The researchers  compared male and female obesity rates in several countries worldwide.  They found that less developed countries, as measured by variables such  as Gross Domestic Product, tend to have significantly higher rates of  obesity among women than among men......  Ubiquitous contaminants: The authors attribute part of the cause  to the "feminizing" effect of synthetic estrogens, part of a larger  category of chemicals known as endocrine disruptors. Products as diverse  as soy foods and the PVC pipes that deliver tap water are known to  contain estrogen mimics, or "xenoestrogens." "We  are concerned that in societies with a high dietary saturation of soy,  such as the United States, this could be working to 'feminise' the  males," researcher Maciej Henneberg said. "This would allow men in those  communities to artificially imitate the female pattern of weight gain." "Another  well-established source of xenoestrogen is polyvinyl chloride, known as  PVC. This product is in prominent use in most wealthy countries, from  plastic medical devices to piping for our water supplies," she said. "This would certainly explain the various concerns about sperm count reductions among men in developed nations."


Human emotions being ruled by physics, Earth Custodians call  for  the adoption of a different  way of  thinking to promote conflict resolutions. Different but not new, because  such concepts were already   debated  two thousands years ago: they are  keys to grasp the  unhealthy  mechanics driving people's need  for power  structures, and  as how to  overcome them as well. Mainstream Psychology is on its death  bed.   

Thank you in advance for resteeming and upvoting!! 

PREVIOUS BLOG ENTRIES:  What Happens When Materialism Hijacks And Betrays Our Minds | Part 2 Of The Freedom Series |   The fear of the possibility of Chaos is the fear of true Freedom! |  Materialism At Odds With Freedom And Decentralization #2 

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