Psychiatry On Its Death Bed: How 800 children as young as 10 have been given sex change drugs

The Hermetic Principle of Gender proven to be absolutely  accurate.  Everything is the result of genders, masculine contains some feminine traits and otherwise. Humans have a left brain hemisphere (masculine) and a right brain hemisphere (feminine) and are thus prone to gender control by 'group thinks' defining norms.  

What does it mean?  

Throughout the ages, the control of sexuality has been a agenda onto itself. Nothing new under the sun.  Psychiatry and mainstream psychology are continuing the agenda in full swing.  There is a reason as why the Universe gave man a "right and left" brain hemispheres, because Electricity is composed by a negative and positive charges, and the brain synapses must be able to decode it as Electricity runs through them. Our emotions are ruled by Electricity and until humans get it, the manipulation of sexuality will continue unabated.  

Understanding the Cosmic Principles is essential to comprehend Objective Thinking, which is when the thinking processes are defined by the Universe instead of moral relativism (man-made laws). 

 How 800 children as young as 10 have been given sex change drugs:  Huge rise in puberty-blocker jabs revealed as transgender 17-year-old  who was born a boy claims the NHS treatment saved her life    
More than 600 young people are receiving puberty-blockers at London hospital... A further 200, meanwhile, are undergoing the treatment at a clinic in Leeds.... But trio of top US doctors said it is ‘unsupported by rigorous scientific evidence'
 But The Mail on Sunday can reveal that  more than 600 young people are undergoing treatment at the Gender  Identity Development Service clinic at University College Hospital in  London, and a further 200 at a clinic in Leeds. The MoS has been told  that 230 of those 800 are under the age of 14.The  huge growth in the number of youngsters being prescribed the drugs came  after the NHS scrapped the age limit in 2014, which was previously 16.Now  doctors can give the injections to children from the very early stages  of puberty – meaning that in some cases, ten-year-olds are receiving  them.The MoS revelation comes a week  after the Government announced plans to allow adults to legally change  their sex without a medical diagnosis. In future, individuals who want  to change gender are expected to simply make a statutory declaration  that they intend to live in the sex they have transitioned to until  death. Read more:  

Fury at sex-change program that shows transgender 'Ben' dressing up as 'Amy' and is aimed at six-year-old children

BBC  under fire from MPs and campaigners as CBBC's Just A Girl features a  character who is taking hormone blockers which will make it easier to  have sex-change surgery

PREVIOUS BLOG ENTRIES:  Electricity Governs The Brain And Our Left-Brain Society Is In DEEP Trouble | Part 2 |  The fear of the possibility of Chaos is the fear of true Freedom! |  A New Mindset to Defeat  Conventional Psychology And Quit Escaping From Freedom | Part 1  |  Living Geometry Does Matter Because It Represents The Building Blocks of Life!  |   Electricity Governs The Brain And There Is Nothing You Can Do About It. It Is A Natural Law!

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Human emotions being ruled by physics, Earth Custodians call for  the adoption of a different  way of  thinking to promote conflict  resolutions. Different but not new, because  such concepts were already  debated  two thousands years ago: they are  keys to grasp the unhealthy  mechanics driving people's need  for power  structures, and as how to  overcome them as well. Mainstream Psychology is on its death bed.  

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