Fun Science Riddle + 2 bonus harder riddles + prizes

Today is Sunday (Funday) so let's do 1 informative post and 3 Fun Science Riddles

Check out today's edition here:
The Curious Quantum World: Part 5 - Uncertainty = Reality

Easier Riddle #1

What comes from a mine, and is locked in a wooden prison forever, never released, and nonetheless used by almost everybody?


Harder Riddle #2

You have a shovel which you balance on your finger keeping your finger exactly at the shovel's center of gravity. Draw a fine line on that point with a marker then cut the shovel in the center of the line. Now you are left with two different pieces of shovel one of which is longer than the other. The longer piece has the shovel tip and the shorter one the handle.

If you take the two pieces and weigh them, which will weigh more and why?


Hardest Riddle #3

16, 06, 68, 88, X, 98

What is X and why do you think it is correct?

Put your answers in the comments section.

EDIT: See comments for solutions.

WINNERS (Prize 1 Steem / Riddle)

#1 - @justtryme90 - 1 Steem
#2 - @sulev and @broer - 1 Steem each
#3 - @broer - 1 Steem


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