Meaning of NIR-BHHOW and NIR-VAIR in Sikh Mool-Mantra

Starting from EKK-OUNG-KAAR which is the Symbol of “The Creativity”, I tried to explain the relative attributes of it. I explained the meaning of EKK-OUNG-KAAR     SATT    NAAM    KARTA     PURAKH, as I understood being a Sikh.

Today I will try my best to open up the meaning of “NIR-BHHOW” and “NIR-VAIR” as much as my minuscule knowledge has caught it.

NIR-BHHOW is a compound word in Punjabi. NIR- is just a prefix and it means opposite of the word next to it.  “BHHOW” means “FEAR”. So "NIR-BHHOW" simply means “Fearless” or “without any fear”.

But Why?

As I see it, the biggest fear is the fear of death. It can be physical death, death of the wealth (once someone loses everything, according to me it is death of ones wealth), death of high status, death of good health etc.

But “The Creativity” I am talking about, is eternal, ever existent and never dies. So EKK-OUNG-KAAR is NIR-BHHOW (Fearless). 

The next fear is harm by fellow humans, by natural disaster or by an animal. Somebody or something more powerful than us can harm us. But there is nothing more powerful than “The Creator”, actually all powers come from “One Superpower”. Hence noting can harm EKK-OUNG-KAAR and so it is NIR-BHHOW (Fearless).

The other fear can be from unknown future but “The Creator” created the time, so no fear of any kind of time.

Next Comes NIR-VAIR: NIR- is a prefix again which makes the meaning of following word opposite. "VAIR" means enmity or hatred. So "NIR-VAIR" means "without enmity or hatred".

As nobody hates oneself, similarly the whole creation is part of “The Creator” itself, so how The Creator can hate itself.

Finally I can say that “The Creator” is without any fear and without the enmity or hatred.

The lesson I learn here is that my presence should not terrorize any of my fellow humans or creatures. Also I should not be terrorized from any of my fellow humans and other creatures. 

As my creator is NIR-VAIR (without hatred) so do I have to be NIR-VAIR.

Following are the links to previous posts on MOOL-MANTRA;

 Meaning of EKK  

Meaning of OUNG  

Meaning of KAAR  

Mool Mantra  

Meaning of SATT NAAM 


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