Roadtrip to Berlin to shoot the Steemit Film!

Some of you have asked me why I wasn't active on Steemit the last few days.

The reason is that I was shooting the Steemit promo Film!

The final result will be released in November so I don't want to give away too much - but until then, I can share some other parts of my trip with you. 

So me, @mrs.steemit @soldier and @agent started our roadtrip to Berlin, which is a little over 3 hours away. 

Every road trip consists of some good (loud) music, snacks, and of course also some breaks along the road.

The weather was nice and the sun was out, so we decided to get some fresh air and have a look around!

Germany doesn't only consist of cities, we also have lots of agriculture and fields, especially in the middle of nowhere along the highway. 

Since we were going to perform a dance for the Steemit film, we also used that time to rehearse for ourselves.

That evening, we arrived in Berlin, and the video shoot was set for the next day - but I don't want to give away too much! There will be more stories coming from this trip so stay tuned ...

Steemit offers so many opportunities, and this has been the 3rd time now that I have traveled around the country for Steemit.
I really enjoy it and am looking forward to the future of Steemit!

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