Steemit Slam: The Best Pet That Can Be

So many great poetry competitions to inspire creativity (and to dig out poems that have not seen the light of day for 30 odd years)...

Here is my entry into Steemit Slam 2: Theme From a Child's Point of View

The Best Pet That Can Be

Your feathers are like fire
I keep you in the byre
Your tail is like a fan
And it is colored tan.
Your wings are neatly tucked in
Not like any fishes fin.
Your body is an oblong
And your neck is long.
Your beak is not weak
Nor are you meek.
Your legs are colored gold
Those you could never hold
A crown of red
Sits upon your head.
Your eyes are like wee beads
Forever searching for seeds
As far as I can see
You are the best pet that can be.

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