Another Singularity Sketch for Future Painting

A lick of a sweet puppy awakens the human spirit in our hybrid beings.


Perhaps humanity will out, who can say.

Even though I am currently still working out my Singularity Pandora painting I shared with you the other day I usually work on a few things at a time. Often an idea comes to me whilst working on another piece or sometimes just talking or writing about a piece spurs another one.

Discussing my idea of the world my Singularity creatures inhabit lead to my idea that it might be Man's best friend that awakes the spark of remaining humanity in these future beings.

I posited that these creatures dwelling in some unkonwn future who are looking to a human past they can't quite understand or remember may have been sparked to begin this journey with the lick of one of human's last remaining links: The ever faithful dog.

I first imagined a sort of play on Michelangelo's "the creation of Adam" with a sort of outstretched hand of these creatures with a dog taking the role of god. I also liked that God and Dog are an Emordnilap (palindrome in reverse). Yet, the more I thought upon it, I wanted their awakening to be more of a flutter of nature, like the wind from a butterflies wing, rather than a great God action or explosion of creation.

This Singularity world of my making is a gentle sort of place where the trail of a brocade gown upon fields of flowers is more apparent than say atomic explosions or war time aftermath.

In a way I picture a sort of post-post apocalypse. Things have been left to grow and form and the remaining hybrid human/machine creatures just continue onward, being their own power source, derving their life force from solar, wind, and who knows. And perhaps their elaborate costumes are simply the level of decadence to which humanity reached before the machine and AI took over.

I love that art allows one to create and dream up new worlds and to manifest them on page and screen.

I hope you are enjoying my indulgent play as my imagination takes me into this fantastical supposed future.

I am thinking to perhaps put this new lady, (working title of painting to be "Singularity Awakening")possibly against a building or partially indoors. I'm not quite sure yet. The next phase for this will be a watercolour study of course.

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