Checkpoints in Mosul, Iraq #Smartphonephotography

The city of Mosul, Iraq, after the fall of ISIS, began to recover. Markets were starting to open but tight checks continued.

My friend, Alto Labetubun, recounted his journey from Erbil, capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), to Mosul. He had to meet at least three checkpoints, where Iraqi army and KRI soldiers checked his travel documents.

Since 2003 after the inclusion of US-led coalition troops to overthrow the regime of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Kurds in northern Iraq had de facto practiced themselves as a state. They made their own visas, had their own security apparatus, and had their own governance structures.

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CameraGoPro Hero4
LocationMosul, Iraq

Kota Mosul, Irak, setelah jatuhnya ISIS, mulai pulih. Pasar mulai dibuka tapi pengcekan ketat terus terjadi.

Sahabat saya, Alto Labetubun, mengisahkan perjalanannya dari Erbil, ibu kota Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), menuju Mosul. Dia harus bertemu setidaknya tiga checkpoint, tempat tentara Irak dan KRI mengecek dokumen perjalanannya.

Sejak tahun 2003 setelah masuknya tentara koalisi pimpinan Amerika Serikat untuk menggulingkan rezim Presiden Irak Saddam Hussein, orang-orang Kurdi di sebelah utara Iraq secara de facto sudah mempraktekkan diri mereka sebagai sebuah negara. Mereka membuat visa sendiri, punya aparat keamanan sendiri, dan memiliki struktur pemerintahan sendiri.

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