Two Passengers Waiting for The Train in Black and White Photography

They are close but does not to each other.

One was a young man and one girl. They do not promise each other. They come alone to this station for their each interests. Maybe they are both going home to Bogor, Depok, or Bekasi. Maybe their goals are the same. But, they do not promised each other.

This station brings together many people. But, they do not know to each other.

They both did not sit but leaned against the strange object made by PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (KCJ). I've used trains in Taiwan, China and Qatar but have never seen anything like this. Train stations in other countries generally provide seats for passengers who waiting for trains.

Jabodetabek railway stations used to provide seats, though made of only from the former rails. But, people can sit there. Then stations partially replaced them with a seat of iron pipe. This is okay because people can still sit there. Now the old seats were removed and replaced with stainless steel backs. People can not sit again. They can only lean there for half an hour or an hour. My friend, a fellow commuter, called it an "iron clothesline" because it is similar to a clothesline. PT KCJ has a net income of Rp2.04 trillion in 2016, but has not yet provided an adequate bench.1

They both leaned on the "clothesline" for a long time because the night trains do not often pass. But, they do not talk to each other and even fun with their gadgets.

The train will arrive and I'll finish this story.

*Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!*
Settings1/30 sec. f/2.2 4.15mm ISO 200
CameraiPhone 6
LocationJakarta, Indonesia


Mereka berdekatan tapi asing satu sama lain.

Yang satu seorang pemuda dan satu lagi gadis. Mereka tidak saling berjanji. Mereka datang sendiri-sendiri ke stasiun ini dengan urusan masing-masing. Mungkin mereka sama-sama hendak pulang ke Bogor, Depok, atau Bekasi. Mungkin tujuan mereka sama. Tapi, mereka saling berjanji.

Stasiun ini mempertemukan banyak orang. Tapi, mereka asing satu sama lain.

Mereka berdua tidak duduk tapi bersandar pada benda aneh temuan PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (KCJ). Saya pernah mencoba kereta api di Taiwan, Cina, dan Qatar tapi belum pernah melihat benda seperti ini. Stasiun kereta di negara lain umumnya menyediakan bangku untuk penumpang menunggu kereta.

Stasiun-stasiun kereta Jabodetabek dulunya juga menyediakan bangku, meski cuma dari bekas rel. Tapi, orang bisa duduk di sana. Lalu sebagian diganti dengan bangku dari pi-pipa besi. Ini pun lumayan karena masih bisa diduduki. Kini bangku-bangku lama dicopot dan diganti sandaran besi antikarat ini. Orang tak bisa duduk lagi. Mereka hanya bisa bersandar di sana selama setengah sampai satu jam. Teman saya, sesama penglaju, menyebutnya "jemuran besi" karena mirip dengan jemuran pakaian. PT KCJ punya pendapatan bersihnya mencapai Rp2,04 triliun pada 2016, tapi belum mau menyediakan bangku yang memadai.2

Mereka berdua bersandar di "jemuran" itu cukup lama karena kereta malam tak sering lewat. Tapi, mereka tak saling berbicara dan malah asyik dengan gadget masing-masing.

Kereta akan tiba dan saya selesaikan catatan ini.

Catatan Kaki

1. Tentang "penglaju" dan pendapatan PT KCJ, lihat tulisan saya sebelumnya: Penglaju, Jakarta Commuter Line Passengers in Black and White Photography
2. Ibid.

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