[Sndbox Challenge] My favorite place to create

The Brooklyn Central Library in New York City.
The Brooklyn Central Library

Hello fellow minnows :)
This is an entry for a Sndbox Challenge. You can find more information about it here.

The Brooklyn Central Library is where I create. It is here that I raid the bookshelves for ideas and perspectives.
Doors of the library

"...I enter into the ancient courts of ancient men and am welcomed by them kindly, and there I taste the food that alone is mine, and for which I was born; and there I am not ashamed to speak to them, to ask them the reasons for their actions; and they, in their humanity, answer me; and for four hours I feel no boredom,I dismiss every affliction, I no longer fear poverty nor do I tremble at the thought of death; I become completely part of them.”

-Niccolo Machiavelli

Libraries and books offers a place where my soul can explorer, reorient and rest. It is easy to be swallowed up by the busy city, forgetting where and why you are going. The library lets me escape the now for a few moments and relocate myself in the time and space. It let's me ask questions like "How did we get here?" "Why are things the way they are?" And most importantly, "How can I make it better?"
Quote from the library wall

In the books lie the soul of the whole past time. The articulate, audible voice of the past, all that mankind has done, thought, gained or been. It is lying as in magic preservation in the pages of books.

-Thomas Carlyle

When I open a book, it opens a door to different world.
Sometimes I find myself in ancient Greece, walking down the Piraeus with Socrates and Glaucon.
Other times I find myself at the end of the World War II, trying to figure out how to save the world.

And when I'm done with my work at the end of the day, I would go out for a walk around the area.

The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch:
The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch

And then grab some delicious home-made food :)
some food :)

Images used and source:
Doors of the library: http://bit.ly/2f3Q1HW

All other images are owned by me.

I also made a vlog for this post, you can check that out here:

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