Sndbox Challenge 1 - My favorite place for creativity


This is a cafe in the city park, near the fountain. It was special for me from the very childhood. Once my friends and friends used to come here after school, they bought milkshakes for a little money, sat down on a log nice tables, and imagined themselves in Paris, sitting in a cafe on Mоnmartr. We read that all Parisians spend their evenings at street cafes.

Then the owners of the cafe changed, but the embankment remained the same. And on the wooden wharf there were already other tables. A small river flowed through the park ... She was not alone.

Since then, a couple of decades have passed. Five times the owners of cafes changed. In the river put a beautiful fountain, along the river passing boats and catamarans. And the river does not change. And when I sit at on the table, I always remember that. The fact that much in life is changing ... but there is something that remains the same. And I hope it will never change.

This post is part of Sndbox Challenge #1 @sndbox/sndbox-challenge-1-where-is-your-favorite-place-to-create

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