2 months ago we introduced "The World Of Hip Hop" as a curation segment created by @neutronenkind for his project of mapping Hip Hop around the world. We wanted to support this endeavor and within Steemit be able to track Hip Hop activity around the globe on the platform.
We have thus far introduced artists from Colombia, South Africa, Australia, Turkey, China, Portugal, Nigeria. France, Iceland, Canada and Germany.
Each article is in both English and German and is meant to give you a taste of the diversity of styles that Hip Hop has embodied in its growth around the globe. The articles focus on the Musical side of the culture and we are looking forward to continuing this collaboration with #worldofhiphop and expanding the map.
World Of Hip Hop Map
As we are one big community with Steemians located everywhere we invite you to get involved! All you need to do is use the hashtag #worldofhiphop on your posts so that they can be tracked and added to the map. @neutronenkind has invested a lot of time into the project (not only mapping Hip Hop) he can't do it without the help of everyone out there. That means you!
Drop a comment on this (or any World Of Hip Hop) post with your suggestions!