Social Media Tip #7 Protect Your Personal Brand Online

Your Personal Brand is Your Future Online Protect It!

Social media has changed the social landscape. We the people now have a medium to broadcast our voice. We have seen alternative media outlets like We Are Change, Dollar Vigilante, Activist Post and Press for Truth pop up across the internet.

These alternative media outlets are helping to wake the world up. The teams behind these alternative media outlets have chosen to speak out against the tyranny around the world. I applaud the work that they do! The difference between what I do and what these guys do is that they have made a choice to fight with their keyboards. Unless you want to be a journalist and take the associated risks I recommend you let the professionals handle it. Support them and share their content when you feel it is appropriate.

You Must Pick Your Niche for Your Personal Brand.

Most of you are rookies in the social media game. This means that it is time to choose a niche for your personal brand and stick to it. I recommend picking 3-4 topics for your personal brand to talk about. Mine are Panama, Crypto, Precious Metals and Social Media. I have built a highly successful online business by sticking to my core subjects. (If You never intend to build a business online this does not apply to you.)

Those of you who desire to build an online business that utilizes your personal brand, this is for you. Your personal brand is the most valuable thing that you own online. You can take it to any social media platform and build a following. When I came to Steemit, my brand was already established. My Steemit wallet may not be Whale level but my online reputation surely is.

Tips to Protect Your Personal Brand Online.

  1. Stick to your core subjects when writing, podcasting or making any other kinds of content.
  2. Do not engage in online shouting matches with trolls. The internet is a permanent record.
  3. Never attack the reputation of another personal brand.
  4. Shy away from politics or religion unless that is one of the core subjects of your personal brand.
  5. Be careful of the company you keep online.
  6. Be friendly and engaging.
  7. Follow others when they follow you. Not following others is a tried and true way to appear to be an asshole.
  8. Maintain your social media channels and keep them up to date.
  9. Don't be a Troll, it is hard to recover a personal brand once you go down this path.

Issues I Have Had with My Personal Brand and How I Overcame Them.

I have been on social media since 2006. I did not begin building my personal brand until 2011. This means for five years I was making a mess of my personal brand. I shared everything that struck my fancy. I also engaged in many online battles over politics. If I could go back and change it I would.

This is Essentially How I Treated the Internet Circa 2008.

I have to admit that back then I was still a very angry person. I was just learning about the possibilities of escaping my Tax Farm. Like many of you I spent too much time working and not enough time enjoying life. Since then I have adopted the N.A.P. and chosen a more peaceful approach to life.

Now after years of borderline ass hat behavior I found myself in a position where I needed to clean up my act online. I was using my personal brand to build a business online. The first thing I did was refrain from getting into online arguments. I prefer to sit back and let people make fools of themselves. 10 Types of Trolls on Social Media

I also did what I am recommending you do. I narrowed down my subject matter to a few subjects that I care about. This has helped me propel not only my personal brand but also our business brand forward.

Now I also know that people judge me by the people I associate with. Since my personal brand is mature I no longer care what people think. As you see from the sites I mentioned above alternative media is important to me and I consistently share their links. I do not recommend this for anyone who is trying to build an online business. Once again if you have no intention of having an online business then by all means go for it.

I personally receive emails occasionally by very angry followers. These folks don't appreciate the types of content I am sharing or the people I am associating with. This makes me laugh! I have chosen these subjects because they represent my personal brand. Don't change your niche just because someone disagrees with it. You will replace that follower with one that agrees with your position or at least tolerates it.

Go Forward and Build That Personal Brand!

The #1 thing is to stay true to yourself. Don't build a personal brand just to profit from it. Be helpful, kind and engage your followers they will reward you for it.

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