Today I learned (from my 3 year old son) - Their are 5 Dwarf planets in our solar system in addition to the 8 others

Just last week a Steemit friend @SirKnight, told a story about how "He got Wrecked" by his young children. From what I read, this is some sort of wacky Australia expression, for when he was wrong. As they had a debate about the growth rate of bamboo. Here is the post I gave him a little jostling how it will be a while before I get caught by my young children.

Well....This week it happened.

I had a similar experience when I learned from my 3 year old that their are 5 dwarf planets in our solar system. He watches some videos on YouTube and recently he's been interested in the planets.


This new fact blew my mind! I thought I was a smart guy with a bit of interest in science and technology...but apparently I've been living under a rock, this all happened between 2005-2008. I have already been asking everyone else I know and no one else seams to know this either, so I feel I'm a little bit redeemed anyways.

So I'll let you know the basic of what I learned from this video (It actually goes into quite a bit of details;
There is one called Ceres that is actually in the asteroid belt just beyond mars and has some mysterious bright spots.
Of course there's Pluto that was demoted from official planet status
There's a oval shaped one called Haumea that completes a full rotation in like 4-5hours (which is apparently pretty fast)
There's a Red one called Makemake.
Then a last one called Eris which is heavier and denser than Pluto but slightly smaller in size.

I learned all this from the kids video and I also can't get all the silly singing planets out of my head, so I'm going to share it here for all of you and your families.
My son loves it when the dwarf planets interrupt the main planets and takes over the song. We are collecting rocks in the yard that have similar properties to these planets and are going to work on making a little solar system.

Of course now I'm super curious and plan to read up more about the these new planets. Turns out there are many more possibly 200 more in the Kuiper Belt alone and many more beyond that. Space has always been so intriguing and mysterious.


I can only imagine all the rest of the stuff we are going to learn down the line from the kids and very excited about it all.

I hope that this is news to a few other people around here as well and I'm not the only one totally oblivious to this fact.

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