The Secret is.. there is NO Secret! Dive into YOUR Vortex! 🌀 😍

Blessings be loveds, who be it and be livin' it today!

It's a gorgeous morning, birds are singing and the sun is shining. Our Sons laughter lifts the smiles of every one he meets and I'm typing between sips of a fresh strawberry and banana smoothie. As we take notice of the best feeling aspects of our world, focus our energy towards that which we desire, we will all ways attract more of the same.

This is universal law, the secret is there is no secret.. it is the simplicity of how we came to be.

Sunrise salutations are the simplest way to know thyself.. 🌞

So since sharing my last post I felt inspiration (spirit in action) to follow up with some insights that may help others benefit from aligning with their higher frequencies. Frequencies being intentions, intentions being thoughts and thoughts being vibrations/words.

We are our word, yet we may ponder our primordial existentialism, the paradox of there being some thing from no thing. While the divine/dualistic perspective still sees neither yin without yang, nor light without dark. Getting into alignment with ones higher perspective brings you closer to source. That is to say the creator consciousness or more simply Oneness.

What is a vortex and point of attraction/attention/intention? 🌀😍

I have witnessed as like vibrations resonate, they magnify and manifest intentions with ease. This is what many term as being in the "vortex" and many religious practices have usurped this away from honest practitioners. Will it be known that you are the guardian of your own energy? Some may describe ones energetic centers as Chakras. Cleanse your energies to help get your physical self into alignment with your greater non-physical essence.

Some even describe the Merkabah and the visual presence of this as the Aura surrounding the energetic body. I see feel this as ones individualized energetic signature. Knowing this and caring about alignment is essential to assisting our ability to move through physical limitations and experience higher perspectives. Each of us are inner alchemists of this reality, consciously and unconsciously it is all ways happening. Yet it seems very few are willing to accept responsibility for their personal processes. Are you open to your higher intelligence? What voice speaks clearest, self doubting programs or the intuitive knowing? Who manipulates your volume, your playlist? Who decides to change the vibration?

Biology organizes itself in alignment with the geometric structure it inhabits, as each of the 100 trillion atoms that make up each of the 100 trillion cells in our bodies are themselves made of 99.999999% SPACE ~ The Resonance Project

To be healthy, to function with ease and to move smoothly throughout this universal experience is to be whole and harmonious with Nature. To achieve ones dreams, goals and aspirations with ease, intent and action (attention + energy) effort-less manifestation is to be aligned with source. The body is the conduit between spiritual and physical.

Fear is the seed of separation and it is my observation that the deepest fear of many is simply the fear of themselves. Many hearts are fearful of unconditional love. Many souls are enslaved, living material lies, hesitant to be life in their highest potential. Birthing under layers of false matrix, is it any surprise we then manifest the necessary suffering that must follow.

Suffering is reluctance to address ones energetic imbalance..

Will we now choose to become our greater self? Is this not, in this now the greatest opportunity to align with your passion? Our invitation is to practice knowing thyself as the creator. Here to recognize self in this physical experience, to desire and manifest, to love and be loved.

If you are still reading this far, thank you for seeing I as I see you; the most high. Thanks for exploring with a reflection of self. Thanks for re-membering who you be and re-minding your heart centered knowledge.

Thanks for honoring all paths, there is no one way for every way is a way. The greatest gift is the freedom to follow your own creativity. Embrace your joy, focus on your bliss full feeling and allow this to guide and radiate through you to your fellow co-creators!

You too are a source of infinite love and light..💗

What's new in the Steemit Mastermind Group today? Click here to join us:

Dropping back into the game, today we're seeing an influx of new friends join the Steemit Mastermind Group. Looking at our numbers on the block itself, it seems we're seeing a welcome rise in new Steemians overall too! Nearing 800k registered accounts and almost 200k active users last month. Community is the real value of STEEM and you are all invested. Congrats!

Charts and Steemit stats diligently provided by our witness

When people ask why I maintain a fakebook presence, my answer is simply to keep paying it forward. Sharing this opportunity and community with the wider whole is the least I can do. To assist our migration from a govern-minded censored, socially engineered, marketing algorithm.. towards a decentralized, reward based, co-creative gifting community.

This will Change Everything You Know.. Anonymous

Today I'd also like to introduce one of our newest members bringing his voice and value to Steemit @readmetoday. He's already been busy sharing his stories and interests in the finer things. This is one of his recent posts that I found interesting:

The rich set goals, not wishes by

Thank you 🙏🏻 to the Top 10 voters on my last post. Please check them out, we're all sharing steem love in our own ways: @rok-sivante @teamsteem @robrigo @clayboyn @biophil @ojaber @stackin @jockey @clemdane @happyphoenix

I've recently been testing API verified bots and sharing my results. I only promote bots that operate fairly, transparently and return invalid bids. I've consistently had positive results with: @upme @buildawhale @postpromoter

Let's Stream it & Steemit!

That's all from me today. Thanks for sharing your valuable time currency; drop a comment if you vibe with these conversations and thanks to Steemit for rewarding us content creators. Shout out to YouTube for hosting our archives and follow for more live streams on Twitch! 😍

Blessings to all watchers and truthers out there, we are the change we are looking for. Awakening awareness, consciousness and compassion. Be love and be loved. Thanks for helping us continue "playing the game" and sharing one love!

Wholeness & Loving Vibrations! 💚💯


Witnesses are the keepers of our blockchain, we can support them here
I vote for: @aggroed @arcange @ausbitbank @curie @followbtcnews @furion @fyrst-witness @good-karma @gtg @jerrybanfield @klye @lukestokes.mhth @netuoso @personz @pfunk @pharesim @reggaemuffin @someguy123 @teamsteem @themarkymark @timcliff @yabapmatt

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