If you take a close look at the top earners at Steemit, you will notice some key similarities in their posts. I've created a list of these key elements for you and I hope it helps anyone specially the beginners.

So, here are the key elements that you will see in almost all the posts of the successful people/the top earners at Steemit:

i. The same thumbnail

ii. Cool drafting

iii. Grip on the subject

iv. The same posting schedule

v. Support from their existing fanbase on other channels

The secret sauce to their success is a mix of these 4-5 elements and anybody can up the earnings by adding these elements to their posts. Obviously, it will take some time before you earn some brand image and then it will be easier to keep moving on from there. If you are doing all this and are not good earner at Steemit, let me know because in my view, that's not possible.

TIP 1: You can increase your fan following at Steemit by daily following 5-10 people.

TIP 2: Asking relevant questions in the comments sparks discussions and increases your chances of getting upvotes. Give it a try!

I hope you find these tips helpful. I hope you follow the steps above and that brings difference in your earnings.


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