Whale Wars : Killer Orca with Trident Hook action

Hello Steemians ,


I made a new piece for the Whale Wars series that I am doing . I decided to do an Orca or also known as Killer Whale . Fun Fact : Orcas are actually categorised as dolphins not whales. If you are curious as to why ? check out this article here

Orcas are usually considered quite friendly and harmless in the wild. I recommend the documentary "Blackfish" which will change the way you think of "Free Willy". A small pool is not where these majestic animals belong.

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The Process

So I started with doing some rough sketches while looking at reference pictures of killer whales, I try to keep things loose and be in the moment as possible. I don't really know what kind of accessories I am going to give him yet, I just want to get that silhouette right. A good silhouette is a key to making a good image.


Here is an example that sadly I didn't make, but excellently illustrates the silhouettes. The idea should be that just by looking at the silhouettes you can tell what it is. If it is a character, it's even better if you can show the emotional state he/she is in. The more information you can portray in the silhouette the better.

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I ended up settling with this one because I feel it showed the best silhouette.


Next stage is blocking the accessories over him. I knew I wanted to have armor but as for weapons I was at a lost for while. As I was googling around for inspiration I came across a trident. A trident is most famously associated with Poseidon, A Greek god of the sea.

Check out those abs
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That's it! He is gonna shoot a trident out of some launcher. But then I thought, how is he going to retrieve it? He's got fins for hands. So I decided to add a line at the end of the trident that he can pull it back and also use it as a grappling hook . I should be in the action figure industry, lol

So now I trace over the line art .


Picking the basic color. I wanted the material of the armor to be like those sea shells that reflects different colors, I am not sure whats the word for it but here's an exemple.

insert image
basic color.jpg

Adding shadows.

Adding highlights.
highlight gold shell.jpg

Blue secondary color to the armor.
highlight blue shell.jpg

A little bit more details and that's it! Here's the finished design.

What do you think? Thanks for watching and have a great day :D

The logo designed by @cartoonistpandan and the banner by @orenisme!

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Wo-Owl Retro Musical (Steem Cartoon)
Whale Wars (Steem Cartoon)
Team Malaysia Polo Design
My Introductory Post
Life Is Strange : Before the Storm review

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