How To Be A Steemweaver - Tips For Getting Your Posts Noticed And Increasing Community Interaction On Steemit

A Steemweaver is a person who weaves the social fabric of the Steemit community together to increase engagement between community members.

This can be done in a number of ways that add many benefits to the Steemit ecosystem. This post will explain the benefits of Steemweaving.

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Steemit is a revolutionary website that rewards its users for posting quality content, voting and commenting on good content while helping to grow the community.

Many new users are focused on how to get followers and earn rewards, but there are a number of other techniques that will help your content get noticed and are often overlooked.

Benefits Of Steemweaving

One of the best ways to engage users on Steemit is to link to posts by other authors on the body of your post. The body of your post is the main part of your story where you present your ideas in more detail.

Linking to other authors in the body of your post offers many benefits to your content.

Elaborates On Your Point

You don't want to link to other authors just for the sake of linking to someone, but when a post by another Steemit author expands on the point you are making in your post it makes sense to link to their post to give your readers a broader perspective.

Perhaps another author has a completely different view about the topic then you do. By giving the readers another viewpoint you expand their thinking in a way that will attract more comments on your blog.

There's always more than one point of view on just about anything and the more opposing viewpoints we have about a subject the more we can use our critical thinking to come up with our own point of view.

Internal Linking

An internal link is a type of hyperlink on a web page to another page or resource on the same website or domain.

By linking to another author on Steemit from your blog post you help both yourself and the author you are linking to by helping search engines like Google find the content easier when someone searches for those topics. This will bring more traffic to your blog over time and help establish you as an authority in your niche.

To maximize the benefits of internal linking it is better to use a keyword phrase as the actual link. "What does that mean?

Very simple. Instead of creating a link like this:

For more information on booking hotels for Steemfest click here

it is better to use the keywords that someone searching for that information on Google would use. They would not type "here" into Google if they were looking for hotel booking information for Steemfest 2.

They may search for something like booking hotels for Steemfest 2

So if you made the link the most likely search term someone would use, it would be better and your content would have a better chance of ranking for that term.

Like this:
Here you can find more information on booking hotels for Steemfest 2

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This will get indexed by Google for that search term and will index your post for that term as well. This helps you and the author you linked to which brings me to my next point.

People Will Notice You Linked To Their Content

When you link to someone else's content on Steemit there is a little bot that will leave a comment on their post to let them know some linked to their content. Most likely they will click through to see who did that and if you did it in a value adding way they will take notice.

No let me ask you a question. If you were a whale or someone of influence on Steemit who would you like better?

  1. Some minnow that left an unsolicited comment or message on Steem Chat begging you to upvote their post.
  2. or someone who wrote a great post and embellished it with a well placed link to your own excellent post about the same topic

By expanding on a conversation started by influential Steemit blogger and adding your own perspective to the conversation and then linking to the post that inspired you to write your own, you're more likely to gain the attention and respect of that author and begin a dialog with them.

You can and should do the same thing on the comments of their blog but if you have more to say about the topic why not write your own posts and include a link to the post that inspired you to write one of your own.

You can easily add links to your Steemit blog to your own posts or other blogs and authours and it will help your post get indexed for the search terms you wrote as the text for the link, but it will also get you noticed by others and they may eventually follow, upvote, resteem, and link to your posts.

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I have used this technique with great results. Instead of writing a post about good Steemit tips, for example, and linking it in the comments of someone else's relevant post, I'll just edit my posts and add a link to their post in the body of my post.

A bot will tell them I did this and their curiosity will usually get the best of them. They will click through to my post and usually upvote it or leave a comment thanking me for mentioning their post. Either way I got their attention without adding linking to their post with a comment that links to my post. It doesn't come off as spammy and makes a good first impression.

Sometimes when I have done this they start to follow me and some have even written posts that include links to my posts.

Other Ways To Be A Steemweaver

Besides 8linking to other authors' content on Steemit* you can also practice Steemweaving by giving value and interacting with the Steemit community.

Some people are developers and have created useful apps for Steemit that help users get the most out of their experience blogging here.

Get to know other authors by joining Steemit chat or some of the many groups on Discord and there are lots of Steemit Facebook Groups you can join to interact with other Steemians.

If you learn something about Steemit that would help other users then share it in your post so others can benefit from what you learned.

I hope this post has helped you understand that the more we interact with others in the Steemit community by linking to other authors content the better this community will become. That is what Steemweaving is all about!

If you found this post helpful and want to learn more, consider following me for more posts about Steemit tips, music, and traveling.

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