❓Answering Common Questions: How do I get more Votes? - Part 5: HELP OTHERS!

It may sound Counter-Intuitive,
but I Swear it Works!!

People remember those who took
time out of their day to help them!

This guide is going to be rather short and sweet...but immensely important! While I completely understand the drive of getting that next post out, trying to get people to upvote you, figure out how much you've been earning...it's easy to forget that those people giving you upvotes are mostly PEOPLE! Just like you and me!

In the previous part of this series on getting more votes we talked about building your brand and making yourself memorable. Every day there are over 10,000 new posts published! So tell me...how am I supposed to notice the one you posted?

Sure, we talked about using repetition to your advantage (like post formatting, banners, hanging out in the same chat rooms for a while, etc) where at least some people will naturally (and often unconsciously) pick up on things that seem familiar to them (like your username for instance.)

Now, when you recognize someone's username, isn't the next though "Where did I see that before," or "What was the situation where I saw that before?" Sometimes it's just from hanging out chatting, or maybe it was that private message that popped up out of the blue asking for a vote. Just between these two...I bet you'd sooner go for the one you recognized just from hanging out together.

But now...lets say in your normal hangout spot, you wanted to try something completely new like cashing out a few Steem Dollars. (The first cash out is often extremely scary to a person new to crypto!) So you ask in the chat if anyone could help you out, so you don't accidentally do it wrong and lose your money. One person says "using an exchange and a wallet," even though you're new to crypto and doesn't exactly help you much.

Then someone else chimes up, asks those questions like what country you're in (since not all wallets exchange for all countries.) Remember...you don't even know that these questions matter yet! But this person does...and is walking through these important variables for you! They stick around, helping answer questions when unsure on parts of the guide, send a screenshot or two back and forth...until BOOM!! Your money is on the way to arrive in a few days.

Take time out of your day!

So let me as now...out of all these scenarios...WHO are YOU going to remember the most? Of course it was the person to "TOOK TIME OUT OF THEIR DAY" to help you! Sure, the person that said you need an exchange and a wallet was perhaps helpful in a teeny tiny sort of way...but didn't it feel like they didn't really stop to give you the time of day? Obviously they didn't realize (or care) that you're completely new to crypto.

The one who stopped..asked questions that were extremely important and provided that little bit of assurance while stepping through this somewhat scare process for the first time.

Almost everybody on Steemit has at least one person that has been their 'go-to' person with questions or needing help!

Now sure...you may not be an expert on Steemit or crypto. But I guaranty you still have something quite meaningful to provide to others. This could mean reading through someones post and giving 'honest feedback," maybe just being there for them to vent to or whatever you can think of! What's important is to actually STOP what you've been doing or just use some of your free time...but making this direct, one on one connection is what were looking for here!

I don't want anyone to take this to mean you should be fake, or talk about things your don't really know the answers to. I want you to TRULY AND HONESTLY want to help this other person! Don't do it just because you think you'll get their votes for a prolonged period of time.

However, this is a quite natural response when taking time out of your day, to focus on somebody else's current needs!

Final Thoughts...

Yes it's important for you to improve and ideally succeed. But when you sacrifice your time, to help a fellow Steemian, not only are you going help the overall community...but you'll also earn their vote for a prolonged period of time!


And as always...

Keep your chin up...Keep posting...Keep improving!

❓Answering Common Questions: How do I get more Votes?-Part 1-Part 2-Part 3-Part 4

❓Answering Common Questions: Why do my Post Payouts and Account Value go down ❓

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Image Sources:
Helping Quote 1
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