What are the Captains doing during the Steem Price Storm? -- My Sunday Investigation

Steem Price Storm

You must have heard, seen, or even been devastated by the recent Steem Price Storm! The price went from above 0.003 btc per Steem before and around Aug 9 and fluctuated downward between 0.0022-0.0030 before plunging down below 0.002 on Aug 23. The downward trend continues and the price right now is even below 0.0015. The worse of all - there is no sign for a reverse at all. See the price chart for yourself.

What happened? I really don't know. The system, the rules, the new technology, the dev team, the early miners, the big investors... all so complicated and too far away from me. I did hear a lot of voices, of anger, of pessimism, of frustration and as always of bravos and of believers. People are posting like usual, voting like usual and complaining like usual and so are the bots. So who can tell me what the reality is. Nobody. As most pleads here are not responded and questions unanswered.

Glad that Steemit is all transparent. It let you dig whatever you want to see if only it happened on it.

So I think why not take a look at what our captains are doing during this period of time. We can all see it. So I spent my Sunday and put aside my writing plan for this investigation. After all, what am I going to write if the media itself is closing down!? Let's see what I have found out.

Who are the captains? No questions about it. Dan. We can include Ned too. So we need to take a look at @dan , @dantheman , @ned , @nedtheman  ... gee... oh sorry, the last one is not there. We only have one Ned. Good. Then, let's take a look one by one. Check what they were up to for the past three weeks, especially last week. They probably wouldn't say out loud but there's got to be some clues...

What were @dan doing?

Well, this account literally has no activities in the past month. So nothing to be investigated. Even so, I can still infer. Possibility 1: a deliberate action to pretend to be calm. Possibility 2: Dan has lost his key somehow and feels too embarrassed to admit it. Which one is it? Not sure right now.

What were @ned doing then?

Ned's latest post was on Aug 18. The one before this one was two months ago - irrelevant. This post is actually quite important:The first phase of the Steem FAQ and Wikee: Consolidation of Knowledge. I really can't wait to have all these features!... Wait, I am on a investigation here. Need to be professional! If Ned is to fuck up the whole Steem system soon then why would he do something so fundamental for the system? Possibility 1: he is an extremely cunning asshole. Possibility 2: nothing to worry about. It's part of the plan. Which one is it? I don't know. Keep digging deeper.

Check his comments. He participated a lot in his latest post and answered questions about whitepaper, scam and where the money come from, powering down and curation, and a few others. Other than answering this thread, he commented only a few times to other posts, most recently encouraging @mindover for updating a guide for starters. Not clear. Seems too much disguise.

What above upvoting? Recently within 3 days, Ned upvotes on VC, Steem Apps, book club, singularity, socks, interesting life stories, aging, flirting, dream interpretation, probability theory, becoming a woman and welcoming new users. Mmm, intriguing. Can't find anything from this dude. Let's go get a warrant for the big man.

Finally, what, were @dantheman doing ???

Since Aug 11, @dantheman posts 8 times on voting and curation (including one discussing fairness but it is related), twice recently on Steem Dollars and once on WREN language. In terms of commenting, Dan comments more frequently than Ned but still mostly on defending or clarifying his own posts.  Wait! We have found a big clue just 15 hours earlier than this post. Dan commented on a also today's post "Steem Price is being pushed down by 1 person! Speculation on why and where it may end up" with the following remarks:  

All orders are placed at or above price on coin market cap. These orders are helping to maintain the steem dollar peg.   Proceeds of these sales are kept as steem dollars which keeps value in the platform while helping to distribute steem.

As a whale @smooth also responded to this post here, I also include it here:

... I might disagree about strategy as to how fast or when to sell, but that is not based on anything objective at all. Steemit's strategy here is certainly defensible.... 

Mmm... It seems this is the first time Dan ever said anything about this Steem price falling and he seems to know what he is doing and Mr Smooth, although might not agree on tactics, is not very critical. Viola! Okay! Great! Big boys know what they are doing. Case closed and let's go have afternoon tea. Nope! how can a professional keyboard investigator be fooled easily with a suspicious bait? Need to keep looking!  

Upvotes. Okay. Dan upvotes also more frequently than Ned. I won’t do a thorough analysis on those voting here (just too many of them). But his very last upvote (before I submit this post) goes to @kyriacos on “Marriage: Not A Course For IntercourseBingo!! This is what I am talking about! The most important evidence to show that Dan is not really all that focused on Steem. No need to worry too much about the recent Steem price collapsing. Please, can I just go to have afternoon tea? the restaurant is closing soon!

Investigation Concludes... 

Of course, it is quite a mental torment for most whales as imaginary wealth from Steem become as real as it can be over the last month. Also for people who really invested in the past month (like myself) it goes beyond mental. What can we say? Any investment has risks. How come we did not foresee this move before we put real money into it? To me the best news is that Steemit will always be here. So all the money I invested can be interpreted as fees for having fun here.  

I have shown to you that our captains seemed pretty poised during this Steem Price Storm. It might be RIGHT FULL RUDDER now after a LEFT FULL RUDDER not long ago, you will just have to sit tight, hang onto something and enjoy the splashes – well we can still chat to each other while watching the show, don’t we? Just wait and be patient and have fun, it might be ALL AHEAD FLANK soon!

Bonus Service

From my hundreds of minutes of experience in my keyboard investigator career, my hunch is ... 

There is going to be something big in the coming week. Either a big announcement of Steemit that will uplift all of us including the whales to stop powering down, or a fierce conflict will surface as the price goes down much further...

Last, would @dantheman and @ned please do not upvote or comment on my post? I don't want to ruin your plans. Just make sure my tiny investment remains there when my boy grows up please.

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