⏺'Shout-Out Saturday' and 'Send-Back Sunday'.. Your Thoughts?

your thoughts 02 august 2017.png
Alright, so here are two ideas I have been thinking about, that I would like to put into my blog. Would like to know what you guys think..
So basically the idea is to make two shout-out posts every Saturday. The post will be dedicated to one person who shows the most potential in the upcoming future on this platform. It's mainly to support the newer guys, to help give them a bit of a boost, as well as some encouragement.

It is similar to what @Stackin is doing with 'Steemit Superstars'. I really like the idea, and there is no better way to show someone appreciation than to make post about them! Ironically enough, he actually dedicated his last 'Steemit Superstars' post to me for my first 30 days. Go check it out and give the guy some love. He's a beast.

✴️ STEEMIT SUPERSTAR SHOUTOUT! Introducing Zane Bradshaw... A "Diamond In The Rough"

@Stackin, Charles, brother, I didn't get the chance to properly thank you for being so awesome about things.. I designed this for you :) You can use it at the bottom of your posts.


You should get an idea of what it is I'm talking about after seeing that post! So, from now on, just know I am on constant look-around for new guys who are showing the effort to want to do something here. If you have any nominations for people, let me know in the comments.
This is a cool idea I was inspired about from talking to my friend @longfield98.

Since I often make about 2 blog posts a day, and have multiple new followers and viewers daily, over a week's-span, many of the newer guys do not end-up reading my other posts. I believe that I have stuck to the quality of my words since day 1. So, if you enjoy my writing style in my latest posts, odds are you might enjoy my older posts too.

So I will be making a re-post on Sundays of the post that did the best in the week.

It may seem like I am just duplicating, and yes I was against the idea at first. There was one thing that convinced me it would work with my content specifically.. My content is about personal development, motivation and inspiration, meaning it can serve it's purpose many times over, without becoming boring. So, even for the regular viewers, you should probably still enjoy the read, since it'll give the same feeling as before!

I want to know what you guys think. Do you think I could pull something like this off on my blog? Do you think it will suite it? I really like the idea of being able to help other's, by giving them a launch! I also like the idea of us all standing as a unit, helping, inspiring and achieving greatness together!

It's exciting!

Whenever you guys see somebody with potential, who you think would deserve a shout-out, don't hesitate to let me know in my comments' section. No matter what post it is!

Team-work to make the dream work! Let's do this!


More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!

I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!

I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!

My previous motivational post:
We are all human. Why limit yourself?

My previous image-gallery post:
📽Anime gallery: Berserk (Part 2)

My previous milestone:
🖊 My first 30 days on Steemit! Over 3000+ posts!

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.4K+ Followers.

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