Steemified Series: Step-by-Step tutorial on creating beneficiaries for the Author Rewards for your post using Steemwhales

Donate a Portion of your Author Rewards to Another

If you’ve ever wanted to give a portion of your author rewards to others, there’s a quick easy way to automatically ensure that your beneficiaries receive what you designate. You can assign a percentage of the earnings to any Steem user(s). I’ve used it before to support others, however, I have never written a tutorial on how to do it. Here is the tutorial. I hope it helps. Remember, our posts can raise badly needed funds for worthy causes.

In Support of Our Fearless Panda as He Recovers in a Portuguese Hospital

75% of the author rewards this post will be given to @fatpandadesign. This leaves me 25% to keep or invest with upvote bots like @minnowbooster, @bellyrub, etc.

panda hospital.jpg

Modified Panda Designed & Medical Heart Designed by Freepik

Step by Step Tutorial

  • Go to
  • Create the title, press Tab button and the permalink will be automatically created for you.
  • Post your content and tags.


  • Enter your name as the author and put your posting key here.


  • Add one or more beneficiaries.


  • Designate the Steem user and the Percentage of your Author rewards you would like to give them.



  • Set the percentage of Steem Dollars. In this case, since I know our Panda could use the money and because Steem Dollars is liquid, I’m keeping it at 100%.
  • Hit the Publish button.



  • Tip1: If you don’t press Tab after you Title your post, the permalink will be blank.
  • Tip2: There isn’t a preview mode when posting content with Steemwhales. So, if you are like me and prefer to preview before posting, I suggest you compose your post using or so you can preview how your post will appear. After everything looked perfect, copy and paste your content into the Post Content section of Steemwhales and post (or publish) it from Steemwhales. Then, go back to the other site and delete or clear your content.

This Post is Steemified... pertaining to Steem!


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Extra Special Shoutout for Taking Immediate Action

Wow! @littlenewthings did a fantastic job taking this tutorial and applying it to one of her posts. I love what she did. She not only showcased the fact that you can assign multiple beneficiaries to a post, but she also filled in the gaps on @fatpandadesign's health challenges. Be sure to check this link out!

karencarrens Steemit footer.gif

A happy member of the @unmentionable family.

You can also find me @karencarrens on Discord as well as Steemit.Chat.

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